Chapter 4

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Bite Wound

When Germany sent Japan on a quest. The wolf was closer than ever.

Germany was shivering. He hesitates.

The wolf was a mammoth beast, it was two times bigger than an average five foot skinny wolf.

"Mein Gott!" Thought Germany. "Vhere za hell did zhis beast came from?"

The wolf was albino. It's eyes were light purple. Germany has never seen an animal like that. Looking at it gave Germany a feeling of being threatened. Germany never felt so afraid in his life.

Its fangs were showing, and was ready to take a chomp off of something. Its teeth was so white and yet was filled with saliva.

Germany try to stay calm. He tried to control his breathing. So he tries to walk backwards slowly.

He moved his right arm slowly to get his gun from his pocket.

Doing that made it worse. Now the ferocious canine caught the sudden movement, and gazed at his forearm.

It was a staring contest involving one of Mother Nature's freaks vs. the great Germany.


Japan ran as quickly as he could trying to reach to his destination point. While he's running he's also calling for Prussia.

"Prussia! Prussia!" He yelled.

When he made it, he wheezed. He was so nervous that he couldn't talk straight. All he can think right was Germany. He knew that wolf wasn't an ordinary albino wolf. To Japan's point of view it looked like it can be bigger and heavier than him. The monster looked like a wolf on steroids.

"Prussia! You need to come out, it's an emergency!" Cried Japan.

When he shouted, the tent started moving and Prussia can out along with Hungary. They both were in their nighttime clothing. Prussia only had his black T-shirt and orange boxers on, and for Hungary it was a brown tank top with blue sweats on. They both looked tired. Prussia was holding a shotgun in his hands. He knew that he brother is the one who's in trouble.

Prussia lowered his eyebrow and had so serious look on his face.

"Vhere is West!?" He demanded.

Hungary look terrified. Her face looked very pale. She looked at Japan in a way that she wants to be there before is too late.

Japan didn't respond. Instead he runs, then the couples followed along.


Germany was starting to sweat nervously. He was on a crouching position and he was carefully walking backwards while one of his arm is behind him. He tried maintain his movement and balance. Calming thoughts were the only thing he had on his mind right now.

"Slowly Ludwig." He thought. "You can't screw vhis up! you're a soldier!"

While he was lost in his thoughts, he slips back. This moment all of the sudden happened in slow motion.

The canine sees the sudden movement, he growls in a deep tone, and he attacks.

When Germany moves his head downwards, his pupils are dilated. His pistol flew from his hands. He quickly shoves his forearms in front of the massive creature's mouth for his own protection. The wolf's huge paws were on Germany's chest and they were pushing him to the ground. It was too strong. Germany wasn't able to grab his pistol.

He lands on to the ground. Germany is biting down his own teeth and he starts crying. It hurts so bad.

"AAAAAAAAARRRGH!!!!!" He yelled.

His arm was all bloody. He try to move, but the wolf was too powerful for him. All he can do is hoping that Prussia will come and rescue him.

For now all he can do was pray to God in his mind, while he's shedding tears and blood.

"Whatever I did to you....... I'm sorry. I don't vant to be punish like zhis. I don't vant to die like zhis. I don't vant to leave Italy and zhe others. I vant to see my country grow. I vant to let Italy know that I love him too much. I vant to Italy to be stronger and see it vith my eyes. You taught me to be strong. Now show me how to be a fighter. Save me from zhis hellish beast. If I do die.....give a chance to tell all goodbye."

At that minute, the silence was disrupted be a gun shot.


The wolf screeched.

For a minute, Germany's arm wasn't hurting as it used to. He looks up and sees the wolf on top of him. He pushes the heavy wolf away.

"Yo, brohas!" Germany recognize that voice. It was his older brother.

He looks at his right and sees him holding a shotgun. He lowers it and gives Germany a grin. Germany looks Prussia in the eyes.

Germany is all dirty and his shirt is covered with his blood.

Prussia doesn't say anything. Instead he led him a hand to his brother.

Germany manages to get up, but he's hurt and his legs feel numb from the weight of the canine.

Germany wraps his good arm around Prussia's neck.

They look at the wolf and it's still alive but it was hurt. It got shot in the jaw.

Prussia looks away and shoots it twice. He starts to cry all of the sudden.

"I'm glad you're still alive." He said.

While he said that he looks his brother and gives him a smile.

Japan and Hungary just stand and watch.

Everybody turns around and see Italy. He saw the whole things.

"No,no,no,no,no!" He shouts. He runs up to Germany and hugs him.

He sobs......

He pressed his head against Germany's chest and despite the bloody shirt he doesn't move.

Hungary puts her hand on Italy shoulders and she looks down. She tries to give him some compassion.

"He's going to be ok." She said. "If we go back to the camp and we stitch him up, and clean his wounds he'll be ok."

She knew that there was no hospital nearby, and that they had needle and strong thread for stitching.

Italy lets go of Germany. Making Germany speechless and didn't do anything or tell him anything.

With a serious tone he said, "If you say so then let's go!"

After that everyone left.

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