You handsome devil

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You shivered at the sound of its inky footsteps as it walked to you. "Thanks for letting me out...__________," he said. Your eyes widened. "Y-you know my name?!" You asked, feeling scared. "There now. No need to be afraid. Yes I know your name. But I don't mean to get you excited," he explained. "What...what are you...?" You asked. "I am but a cartoon creation of ink," he said. "I am known as 'The Dancing Demon'. I give people smiles." And then he muttered, "And I don't forget their sins...." You continued to look more at the little devil. He looked back at you, and his eyes then gave you a sly look. "Well...I must admit, you look very divine my dear." He smirked. You then put on a blush. " you," you said. He then took your hand and gave it a little peck. You giggled shyly and looked away. When you slowly pulled it away, you noticed some ink prints on your hand. "Pardon me that I still have some ink on me," he said. "It's okay," you said. You smiled and placed your hand on his head, patting it. He blushed a light grey on his face. "Awwww, you like this?" You asked. "Why...yes I do...__________," he said. "You handsome devil," you said. "Oh! I forgot to tell you," he began. "I was actually brought in from an old animation studio. Would you like to see?" He reached out a hand and smiled. You looked at the ink blots on his hand, but you took it anyway. "O-okay," you said a little nervously. "Right then. Well my dear, let's go!" He then walked you out the door, and as he was, you started thinking of what the studio would be like. Not only that, but also of Bendy. You were beginning to like how nice and sweet he was being to you. You then blushed and smiled thinking of him. "He is handsome," you thought. "But he's also cute."

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