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I run into the streets of New Elizabeth as fast as I can, pushing everyone which were in my way out of my path and I don't stop.

My legs feel so tense but I know that means that if I stop, I will stop forever - by the woman's men who are chasing me but me running away from life... yeah, I'm faster.

I check behind me.


They're still in my backside.

I remember a scene which was once filmed here: a man was in the same situation and hid in a alleyway somewhere around here-

I dive into it and hide behind a dumpster, heavily breathing.

I hear footsteps run past it, some stop but follow the others.

I rest my head into the side of the bin and I sob, trying not to make it obvious that I am grieving.

NAT. SHE'S GONE. A scratched yet distorted voice calls in my head. I can't stop thinking about her.

Natalie Whitehall: the girl who cared about me-

Is dead.

"Lawrence, is that you?"

I look up to see Daniel Eaton, staring down at me with the look of confusion on his face.

I wipe my eyes.

"Yeah. What do you want?"

Daniel kneels beside me and opens his arms out to me like what Nat would do if I was upset.

"No," I shake my head and I get up. "I need to go-"

"Go where?" he asks.

Where am I going?

I remember a sign which I passed a few days ago saying:





But I remember is said something underneath Brocklesby... READING THE MOVE AND ALWAYS WILL

"I'm going to Haven." I straighten my shoulders.

Daniel shoots up too. "I'll come as well- like. I'll try and help you get there! Adam gave me a map!" he reaches into his pocket, which I now notice that he has different clothes.

He is now wearing clad black clothing, same as what Toboni wore when I saw her.

I glare at him. "You can't come,"

He frowns.

"Why not?"

"Because you will become a target-"

"Of whom?!"

I stop-


I feel myself give way and I can see black and black only but my vision becomes blurred - again - I can't tell who is hoisting me up. My vision clears up and I see-


"Yes, I'm here." Daniel reads my mind and for once, I allow him. His shocked expression becomes confusion. "Your nose..."

"What about it?" I ask him, eye lids heavy.

"It's bleeding."

I press my thumb against the bridge of my mouth to see a crimson substance. Dripping onto the concrete. Like rain. But heavier.

My breath is jittery as I am slightly scared by what the fuck is going on.

I stand up, wipe my nose and stare at him. "Call Adam, Ruben and Toboni."

I unzip my bag and I find a thin rectangular block. I pull it out and it's quite big but it fits in my hands. I don't know what this is. It has buttons on the side, on the top with a small hole, same as below but it's bigger.

I press one and an image appears on it.

It has a picture of Nat and someone with brown hair, blue hoodie, white shirt, black leggings and white trainers. She has lush hazel eyes, freckles, pale white skin but has a small tan.

Who is she?

"That's you, Lawrence." Daniel says, looking at the block. "And that's a phone, I think."

I stare at the phone.

I press in between mine and Nat's hands which were forming a heart and the screen changes. But the picture stays.

I press on Contacts and I find Adam.

I press him and it begins buzzing.

"Hello?" it was Adam. But he isn't here.

"Adam? Is that you?"

"Yeah." he responds. "What's wrong."

I draw in a deep breath. "Tell Ruben and Toboni to pack their bags as well as yours."

"WHAT?! WHY?!!!"

I look at Daniel and smile at him and he does the same. "Because I'm running from danger and you're now targeted too."

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