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Comparing New Elizabeth to Haven: there's a BIG difference.

Haven is peaceful and quiet, people talking, smiling at others. Others were farming together, planting seeds with one another. The buildings look more home-like and humble. There's no signs of danger here whatsoever and I can't help but smile. Just a small smile.

We stop in front of one of those houses and James hops off his horse.

"Good girl Rhapsody," he rubs his horse's nuzzle and kisses it lightly.

Rhapsody is a crimson colour with a streak of white in between her eyes which spreads onto her pink and black nose. I am almost the same size as her but she is taller than me by God knows how much.

"Levi, Annie, go in. I'mma show Victoria somethin'." James smiles at them both. They walk off into the house, leaving me with James.

"This horse is a Clydesdale horse, one-point-seven-five meters tall, one of me fanest horses," James pets Rhapsody's side. "Yer know 'ow to rade a horse?"

"No. I don't James." I respond silently.

"Then I'll teach yer 'ow to rade Rhapsody." he nods. He pats the saddle and I sit down onto it and James holds Rhapsody's reins and walks her to a massive field which is full of green grass and oak trees. He opens the wooden gate and leads Rhapsody and I into the fenced area and locks the gate behind us.

"Raght," James puts his hands onto mine and makes me grasp hold of the reins. "Ya'll gotta keep hold of 'em when you ride Rhapsody, 'kay?"

I bow my head, a sign that I understand what he is saying.

"'Kay, good. I'mma let go of the reins now, issat alright?" he asks.

"Um... okay?" my body stiffens as he releases Rhapsody's reins and she starts bolting around the area. I grasp hold of them and pull them back and instantly, she slows down.

I lean forwards and she beings to trot, I turn the reins and she turns that direction.

"That's great, Victoria! Now try ta run!" James yells with encouragement. "Just lash the rein and she'll run like the wind!"

I raise the reins and bring it down with force and she runs like a bullet but less coward-like like when James released them. I lean forward to stabilize myself upon her and I feel safe-

Just like that. 

"Know how ta stop Rhapsody?" he shouts over Rhapsody's running across the field.

"Is it the other way around?" I ask.

"Just pull backwards like whatchya see in the vids!"


"Okay?" I pull back and she grinds to a halt. 

James walks to me and puts a hand out. I take it and I get off Rhapsody and place both of my feet onto the grass.

"Ye did fantastic out 'ere Victoria!" James congratulates me.

I smile at him and laugh. "Thanks! It felt really unusual when riding Rhapsody!" 

"It is. But eventually, yer will learn 'ow ter ride 'er." he beams but he shows his white teeth when he smiles.

"Where's Adam and Toboni?" I ask but then I realise what I said. 

"'oo's Adam an' Toboni?" he questions.

I sigh.

"We lied about our names. My real name is Lawrence. But if you're happy calling me 'Victoria' then you can, I won't stop ya," I frown. "I'm sorry... I am really sorry."

James stares at me but he doesn't look mad not one single bit. "Why did ya?"

"There's some woman after us. I'm one of her test subjects..." I take off my jacket and show her my tattoo of the alchemist symbol of fire upon my right arm. 

"Jeanine Elizabeth. 'at bitch." he mutters underneath his breath.

I look up at him and in true fairness: I am confused-

Really confused.

"How do you know about her?" I ask her.

He puts a gentle hand on my shoulder and makes eye-contact with me. He frowns but I can tell he's stressed as he strokes Rhapsody's flank.

"She killed my son, Toby Rexha." his lip trembles. I quickly grab a tissue from my pocket (I honestly don't know how I got them-


"She killed your son?!" I exclaim. "How?!"

"He ran away from 'er and fand me. Within a few months, she fand 'im and ma wafe. She was called Hillary. She tried to save 'im but she gat shawt by 'er. Then she came and injected 'im with this weird substance called..." he swallowed then stopped.

"Tell me! What was it?!" I practically beg him.


My heart stops and instantly, I feel myself getting injected in the neck with what gave me the power to wield fire.

"I ran. So... the reason why she's chasing me down is so she can inject me with X23?"

"If yer ran then yeah, she will." he says without hesitation. "Sorry ta scare ya like 'at." 

I nod.

"That's fine," I confirm. "I needed to know."

I turn around and I walk beside James and Rhapsody towards his home.

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