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We continue running though the coppice, ignoring the screams of vulnerable people of Haven. We try to make our footsteps silent but loud enough to block out the traumatic noises.

The sky is  now pitch black and nothing apart from the moonlight is illuminated in front of us so we can see where we run. Behind us is full of smoke and fire from the burning town which we had to escape from.

I keep running but for once, I am ahead of everyone else-


"Adam, is Toboni alright?" I ask as we keep running.

He looks over his shoulder and she is still there, but slower than usual. But still running. 


Again, we camp out in the woods, but I cannot get to sleep-

I am missing everyone else-

I'm missing Daniel.

My head is resting on my bag, temple on the strap and I just frown. I can't stop thinking about the mistake I made.

I see. I'm going ahead. If you're wanting to continue searching for safety, follow me. If you're feeling bad for that son of a bitch, stay. Your choice. 

It keeps circling in my head, attacking me every time I think about it-

I stop tears rolling down my eyes and I know how to stop them as I am used to it.

Adam walks over and kneels beside me, frowning. "You haven't been alright since you left the others. Are you okay?"

I look up at him and smile. "I'm fine-"

But then I begin to cry.

Through the tears, I can see Toboni asleep and I feel Adam's arm wrap around my shoulder and bringing me close to him, sitting down. His hand is rubbing my arm to comfort me and to be brutally honest, it's working.

(shut up)

He is taking my mind off the situation.

(shut it)

He's helping me.


"I know you miss them," he says to me. "I do too but what Dan did was just terrible, I have to admit."

My breath stutters as I still cry. "I- I cannot forgive myself...!"

He frowns and I feel his fingers brush through my hair slowly as if he is trying to comb it or something-

I don't know why Adam is doing this-

I want to know.

"Why are you doing that?" I ask him as I hug myself..

"I want you to stop crying." he replies. Still stroking me.

I lay my head onto his shoulder and tears stop rolling down my face, my breath is just a bit jittery.

My eyes begin to get heavy - so heavy I thought I was suffering from another nosebleed but I don't - and my breathing calms down and I quickly calm down.

"Thank you..." I say as I yawn quietly but loudly for Adam to hear.

He smiles at me and puts his head on mine.

"We need to get some sleep," he says and instantly, my eyes slowly close.

As I fall into a deep sleep, I can feel Adam's head move slowly as he must have fallen asleep as well-

On my shoulder.

For some weird reason...

I feel something for him...

Something abnormal...

And I like it.

Playing with FireOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant