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"2 months that's it" I continued to stare at the bed letting the tears smack the tubes going up my arm. "I'm sorry Sydney but as you know this is genetic" my head shot up as I wiped my tears from my boiling face "yes I know" the doctor tried to place a half smile on his face before leaving the room leaving me  staring at the clouded window. I closed my eyes listening to the rain smashing against the window sill and the eary lighting in the distance. I was asleep for an hour until I heard the door go. I twisted my head as I saw the door knob being fiddled with whoever it was wanted to be quiet. "Oh hey I thought you were asleep" His voice was smooth and bounced off the walls of the room his brown eyes twinkled when he smiled his lips like clouds he was perfect why was I lucky enough to have him? "Nah it's okay Jin come in" I propped myself up clutching onto my stomach whilst frowning. Jin took the seat next to the bed and intertwined our hands "everything okay?" His smile changed to a serious yet worried tone. "Allll good here" i jokingly squeezed his hand. He smiled back at me whilst responding "you're coming home today I spoke to one of the doctors all the boys can't wait to see you" "Aw" was all that slipped out of my mouth. He caressed my growing stomach as he did that I felt a lump growing and growing in my throat I swallowed it down pretending to stretch wiping the tears from my face. "Let's get you home syd" Jin got up and stroked my head.

"WAHEYYYY" I was greeted by multiple screams and hugs and pokes on the stomach. "I've missed you so much Sydney we all have" Namjoon said whilst burrowing his head into my shoulder. Namjoon was like the brother I never had I could always rely on him for whatever I needed. "Namjoon" the words sputtered out my mouth "what is it?" He looked worried as I looked down "never mind" I mumbled staring  at the floor "Are you sure?" He responded rubbing my shoulder. "All good" I looked up and forced a smile out.

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