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                    4 weeks later

Everyone was sat lounging on the sofas. My state was worse but I hadn't told anyone not even Jin. I clutched onto my growing stomach with what was left of my hand. Everyone was worried I could see the terror in their eyes when I moved,coughed even flinched. The day went on and I somehow got the Courage to explain what was going on. "Taehyung Jungkook can u give Jin and i a moment alone please?" "Sure" came out their mouths almost instantly as they both tripped over each other going to their room. "What's the matter?" Jin had sunk down next to me clasping my small wrist in his hand. I chocked on my words I didn't know where to start and Jin was growing impatient but not showing it. "I'm dying" His hand slipped away from my wrist instantly as he chuckled with a puzzled expression on his face. "You're having a baby Sydney not dying" I sighed just letting the tears stream down my face "The doctor told me I have two months to go this even happened to my mum I told you" I trailed off and looked at him. He was cold. Staring at his eyes clouding up loosing their spark. "Say something" I clutched his shoulder. He immediately got up "what about her?" He spluttered pointing to my grown stomach. "She'll be alive she'll be here still"  He threw his head into his hands when they dropped to his sides a face I've never seen before plastered across his "WHY" he screamed out making me jump. His clouded over streaming eyes locking with mine "YOU AND I WERE MEANT TO BE PARTNERS SYDNEY BUT YOU DID THIS ON YOUR OWN" he stomped around the lounge grabbing things. "Don't see it like that!" I shrieked trying to get up and failing. "WELL I HAVE NO OTHER WAY TO SEE IT DO I" The door slammed causing a photo to smash in pieces to the floor. I cried clutching onto my stomach "everything's gonna be okay" I whispered remembering when Jin left a photo fell. I got enough energy to get up without help as I helplessly trudged to see what it was. I bent down groaning in agony as I brushed the old dust off the photograph my tears helping clean it. Our wedding day. I remember that day like it was yesterday it was beautiful no one was sad no one dying everyone together. My nerves however racing through the roof. I was walked down the isle by Jungkook both of our dads left us so we thought it was appropriate. I remember almost cutting the circulation off his wrist as I squeezed tighter and tighter walking down the isle trying not to trip over my own dress or forget what to do or even worse run off screaming. We got closer and closer my eyes focused on the floor when I felt Jungkook slip out my grasp. I flicked my head up quickly seeing the most handsome face I'd ever seen before. Light fuzzy pink hair and a suit perfectly making his perfect features stand out. I joined him and felt a cold but gentle whisper in my ear "you look so damn beautiful" I smiled as we exchanged vowels though there's something that will always stick with me "Seokjin do you promise to look after Sydney in sickness and in health" "I do" he smiled back at me. The day went on until it reached night. We danced through the night as he stopped and promised "Sydney Rosewood I promise to love you until the day I die" I agreed but thinking about it now i really am keeping my promise. All of a sudden I felt a cold hand on my shoulder it was Namjoon. "Sydney please go and get some rest" I was confused he had taken the photograph away from me I wiped my eyes and looked around the room. Jimin was helping Hoseok clean up Taehyung and Jungkook were getting ready to get out of town for a business trip Yoongi was napping on the sofa. I looked Jin. "Bed now Sydney" Namjoon shook my shoulder as I responded "sorry" I trudged off down the hall feeling everyone's eyes on me. As my head hit the pillow I was out.

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