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I take out the box inside my drawer which is next to my bed. I sat down on my bed and open the box. Inside the box , there are many pictures of him. I randomly take out one of it and my tears start to drop.

In that photo, I was smiling but now it's hard for me to smile or laugh. That smile only exists because of him. But when I see the mysterious guy face , it totally the same as him. I know he is not Jimin because her behaviours was different from Jimin.

I was confusing , how can I meet with a person that make me remember back about my past. I sighed. Human brain will forgets what they want to remember but remember what they want to forget. That's what I go through right now. I want forget about Jimin and delete all the memories that make me reminds of him but at the end , I was the one who is hurting a lot.

Suddenly I hear someone was coughing. I look at the door and he was standing there.

"May I coming ?" he said and I nodded. I quickly put all the photo back inside the box.

"Whoo is....this" he said in shocked while holding a picture that he picked from the floor.

I didn't answer but looked down on the floor and covered my face using both of my hands.

"Are you-"

I sobbed and I can feel that he is sitting next to me right now and patted my back.

"You make me remember about him. But , you're not him. You are different from him." I said and still sobbing.

"Wh-wh-what ? What do you mean ?"

I couldn't answered him but I hugged him tightly and cry. He hugged me back and try to calm me down.

"I'm sorry if my presence make you feel sad. You can cry as much as you want and talk to me if you need someone to talk to." he said.

I still hugging him tightly and he didn't saying anything but just keep patting my back.

"How do you feel right now ?" he said and touch my cheeks using both of his hand. I stared at him and he is also staring back at me.

His eyes was the same as him but he is not Jimin. I try to accept the truth that he is not Jimin but why did my heart keep beating faster when he is staring back at me.

"Did you finished your food already ?" I asked and try to avoid his eyes.

"Yes. I'm here because I want to ask you where can I take a bath ?"

"You can use my bathroom if you want to shower. I will give you towel later."

"Okay." he said and go the bathroom.

I take a towel from my cupboard and knocked the door of the bathroom. He opened the door, stretching out his hand and I give him the towel.

I going back to my cupboard and take out Jimin clothes for him to wear. Jimin will not coming back to me again and why should I keep all this clothes. It's better if I let him to wear this.

"Ji- ehhh Chaemin, I put your clothes on my bed." I told before I went to downstairs.



I still washed the dishes when he is come to the kitchen and standing next to me.

"Do you need my help ?"

"Thanks but I almost finished with this." I said looking at him for a while and smile at him.

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