Falling from Space

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"Sometimes, when I'm with you... I feel like a flee next to God."

"...Does it scare you?"

"Yes! ... Well, No... It's... Thrilling."


Just outside Earth's Mesosphere

Blue's skull felt crammed and congested. Her ears rung and her vision swirled. The disorientation gave her an unavoidable headache. Her throat let out a groan as Blue's mind tried to force her body into obedience. Finally, Blue was able to realize that something was binding her. Straps of some sort were restraining her body as it pressed her against a faux-leather seat. Her eyes then started to clear away the blurs in her vision and grant her crisper pictures. 

She was on a universal ship. Blue knew that much. A very dimly lit one from the looks of it. The windows were scarce,  but they revealed the bright, still stars of space outside. The only sources of light inside the ship were some small floor lights and a holo-screen projecting a news channel. The poor, male newscaster was shirtless and only given a prismatic-colored bow-tie to wear.  Yet, he smiled his brilliant white teeth and reported the following:

"Now folks, it's getting to be that time where we sign off and let the cartoons roll. But before I wish you all good night, we would like to give you an update on the Blue Ryan case. As some of you may know, this morning, Ms. Blue Ryan-"

An image of Blue appeared on the screen. Her face was stoic yet distrusting, as a fire roared behind her. Her short but wild golden hair wiped about in the heated air. Her freckled skin and blue coat was stained with dirt, grime, and blood. The picture captured her to be a dark and dirty figure with a background of fire. Not a flattering picture to paint to the public, but one that certainly caught attention. 

"-the self-proclaimed revolutionary was found in an underground base where the rest of her family had been murdered. Authorities of the district now say that evidence suggests that revolutionary was responsible for the murder of her own family."

Blue was stunned as the memories suddenly stabbed her with malicious zealous. The many pairs of lifeless, brown eyes and the pale, bloodstained faces. Blue's brain had a difficult time putting together the fact that these hallow, fresh shells were only moments ago filled with the laughter and smiles of her family. Her mother... Her father... Her sister.. Her brother.. Even the two cats were not spared of this malice. And all of them with have their faces lying in their dinner plates in the modest but now red-stained dinning room. 

Why? Why couldn't she remember what happened before? Why couldn't she remember who had done this? It could not of been her, she loved them all too much. Who was responsible? Why couldn't she remember? Her vision blurred again, but this time from her tears.

As this debate rattled her, the objectified reporter continued,

"Authorities suspect this was due to the family's possible loyalty to Lady Pastel."

Blue's head perked up at the name as she gasped. 

Pastel! She... no... she wouldn't go that far would she? After everything would she really...? She couldn't have killed them!  Blue then reminded herself that Pastel was not the same as she had once been. Pastel wasn't the same Pastel she once knew. Now she was a monster, and perhaps killing Blue's family was not entirely out of the question. 

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