Path of Persistence

15 1 0

"When Rapture speaks of you-it says only this: sleep now. Your day is done." - Sofia Lamb

+5 Vengeful

+5 Determination

+5 Stealth


A Lighthouse

Blue took a shaking, deep breath to reflect on her decision. After a moment she finally swallowed and waved her hand to dismiss the notion.

"I as much as I appreciate you getting this -and as surprised as I am that you actually found this- I won't wear this." Blue responded with certainty, "I can survive without it. I've been in some battlefields before. I'm sure this is nothing I can't handle."

"Mm, we'll certainly see." Rosalind frowned, as if she doubted this greatly. "But it's your choice. Best of luck."

"Would you two happen to have anything else that I can use to defend myself with?" Blue asked expectantly, doubting they'd just let her go into a civil war completely defenseless.

The twins looked to each other with annoyance.

"Now she's just being picky." Rosalind sighed.

"Here." Elizabeth offered. Blue turned to see Elizabeth holding out a red heavy duty wrench. Blue's eyes widened almost offended,

"Are you kidding?"

"Well they certainly could use better plumbing down there." Robert joked with a snark grin, "Maybe you could do something to help them with that."

"So you went through the trouble of stealing my old suit but can't offer me anything else but a wrench to protect myself in a civil war?" Blue asked, astonished by this.

"You'd be surprised by what can be accomplished by just having a wrench." Elizabeth shared, in a tired but honest tone.

"I suppose she wouldn't believe us if we told her it belonged to one of her ancestors too." Rosalind remarked to Robert.

"Too bad, it's the truth." Robert nodded.

Blue groaned with annoyance as she swiped the wrench from Elizabeth's grasp. She was quite fed up with all this nonsense,

"You are all insane, but in all honesty, I would rather just be given this wrench than that fucking suit."

"If I wanted to make a poor joke, I would say you could 'suit yourself'." Robert stated playfully.

"Fortunately for you, we aren't that intolerable." Rosalind said, as if to also remind Robert of this.

"Not yet anyways." Robert stated.

"I just want to get this over with." Blue hissed as she stomped into the bathysphere,her fingers clenched around the cold metal wrench.

"Blue!" Elizabeth called to her. Blue looked over her shoulder to see Elizabeth looking frightened for the first time,

"Promise me... Promise me, that when you find the man... That you'll protect him. It's the least you could do for the man who will bring your family back."

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