Path of Protection

13 1 0

"If you took away all the parts of Booker DeWitt you tried to erase, what's left?" - Slate

+5 Merciful

+5 Speed

+5 Protection


A Lighthouse

Blue took a shaking, deep breath to reflect on her decision. After a moment she finally swallowed and submitted.

"You ask me like I even have a choice. My family needs me, it'd be more than stupid of me if I didn't protect myself." Blue choked,as she stepped towards the chest. She lifted up the helmet to see her own reflection staring back,but she hardly recognized herself. Her hair messy, wild, and still wet from surviving the cold sea. Her blue jacket with torn and dirtied golden tassels on it's shoulders. Her eyes, were the most foreign. They looked dead. Wide with shock, but lightless. It was if she was possessed by something else. Perhaps it was her grief. She frowned at the sight of her current washed up state. Blue turned the helmet to it's side to see the horrid symbol of Lady Pastel. Her fists clenched and she quickly put the helmet to the side, trying to ignore it's presence.

"You don't suppose we should give her some privacy to put on the suit?" Robert suggested to his sister.

"It's alright. I can put it on over most of my clothes." Blue assured them as she tossed off her current boots.

"If I wanted to make a poor joke, I would say you could 'suit yourself'." Robert stated playfully.

"Fortunately for you, we aren't that intolerable." Rosalind said, as if to also remind Robert of this.

"Not yet anyways." Robert stated.

As they joked, Blue managed to put the suit on. It still unnervingly fit like a glove, but it constricted her in a different sense. To the point of almost choking her. But she swallowed the feeling and put the helmet on, with finality. The once broken revolutionary had now transformed into a polished and emotionless suit with a single mission. She flexed her fingers in a way that was all too familiar, and in response her smooth bracer lit up with glowing symbols. With her other hand, Blue pressed the symbol of a sword that glowed blue. The metal of the bracer then unfolded itself like folds of an origami piece. It projected a triangular, metal piece that began to glow to life an electric cyan.

"That's not just science, my dear brother. That is a masterpiece." Rosalind gasped in awe of the device.

"Indeed." Robert agreed.

"It's a weapon. A laser blade bracer." Blue corrected them darkly. She flexed her fingers again and the bracer transformed back. "Alright," Blue breathed, "Time to get my family back."

She then proceeded to march into bathysphere.

"Blue!" Elizabeth called to her. Blue looked over her shoulder to see Elizabeth looking frightened for the first time,

"Promise me... Promise me, that when you find the man... That you'll protect him. It's the least you could do for the man who will bring your family back."

Blue was taken aback by this, but she nodded honestly.

"I'll do my best. It's the least I could do for you saving our lives. Even if you almost got us killed in the process." Blue joked bitterly.

Elizabeth smiled with relief, something about it made her eyes glimmer with a certain sense of hope.It made Elizabeth look like a different person.

"Ha. Good luck, Ms. Ryan." She wished simply.

"Just pull the lever." Robert instructed. Blue turned to find a golden lever perfectly placed in the center of the bathysphere. It's interior was like a golden sphere with benches fight for a horse-drawn carriage. There seemed to be some first aid kits neatly tucked away in it to, as well as some canned food rations. This gave Blue some relief.

"Oh, at least I have these as well." She began to strap some of the first-aid kits into her belt.

"Yes, unfortunately it's all we could get together but hopefully you can find more supplies on your journey." Robert suggested.

"And maybe some other weapons too." Rosalind added darkly.

As Blue found that she ran out of space on her belt she remembered the metal pack the suit had just below her neck and above her waist. She quickly slung the items over her shoulder and it the pack. Finally, Blue gripped the level with her free hand.

"Wait, the lever won't be able to register your DNA if you don't touch it with your skin." Robert informed her.

"Ah, I see." Blue replied. She took off a glove of the suit and took hold of the lever firmly. She was about to pull it when she stopped and turned to Elizabeth and the Lutece's.

"Whether or not I die... Thank you for giving me this chance to find my family." Blue told them with genuine gratitude.

The Lutece twins nodded in unison, as if to give a silent "you're welcome." Elizabeth looked to Blue with seriousness,

"And Blue, whatever you do, try not to fight the big daddies."

"What's a big daddy?" Blue asked.

"A large living submersible suit that protects little girls with needles. You can't miss them." Elizabeth summarized. Blue paused, taking in the absurdity of this statement and decided if she waited a minute longer to really let it sink in, she would completely ditch this opportunity.

"Alright. Goodbye." Blue said with finality as she pulled the lever.

The door to the bathysphere promptly closed itself and began to submerge into the water. The Lutece's gave her polite waves, while Elizabeth seemed to watch in genuine worry. The movement caught Blue off guard. She quickly took a seat before she could fall. Water started to blur over the door of the bathysphere, making Elizabeth's and the Lutece's wash away. The lights inside the bathysphere flickered off, leaving the only source of light to be the world outside it's glass door. Blue started to wonder if everything Elizabeth and the Lutece's had told her were true. some of them really sounded unbelievable, or at the least, not survivable. She tried not to think about it too much, besides, as crazy as this was it was her only option. Blue still could not comprehend the loss of her entire family. If they were really dead, she had to bring them back as soon as possible.

Though this all seemed so insane, it was the only thing keeping her from falling into actual insanity.

As the bathysphere finally became so submerged it was clearer to see the world beyond it, Blue realized it was going down a tunnel that was lined with intricate tiles. Suddenly the bathysphere passed a silver, art-deco styled statue of a man, above him was a large plaque with silver letters that read:



Soon enough she saw another one that read:



Before a third could appear a screen dropped down in front of the glass door. Suddenly, a projection displayed a very vintage-styled illustration on the screen that showed a happy looking couple. One was a woman holding a cigarette, the other was a man snapping his fingers, and from his fingers sprouted a flame. Around them read in exciting letters:

"Fire at your fingertips!"


Plasmids by Ryan Industries

At this same moment, a faded yet chipper instrumental bit begins to play. Soon after a few moments, Blue witnessed the image change from this very old looking advertisement to a photograph of a man smoking a pipe, laid back in his chair. A smirk curled the corner of his mouth. He was also wearing a complete and classy suit.

"I am Andrew Ryan," A male voice introduced proudly over the speakers of the bathysphere,

"And I am here to ask you a question."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2017 ⏰

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