The Vocoloid program (part 1)

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Today felt like any other day, go to the lab and be told to do random tests and go home but to my surprise, this was not going to be a ordinary day.

Cora walked up to me as soon as I came into the building "(y/n), the new director/scientist wants to see us"

I looked at her with confusion "director Crypton? Why?"

"I don't know, but he also wanted me to get some of the other people here"

"Umm, aright, where is the meeting going to happen?"

She started to rush off "station 4, area 2"

"Got it!" I began to walk there

I didn't understand why he finally wanted to talk with us, he has been here for five months and never talked to anyone, he was in his lab all the time and never let anyone in or look at his work. Why does he need us now?

(Le time skip)

I sat down and noticed a few familiar people that I work with

(Hoi, so I wanted to put pictures of my ocs here buuuuuuuut stupid Wattpad won't let me sooooooo just try to imagine how they could look like, sorry)

Yen was sitting next to his twin Yara, Cora was sitting next to me, John was sitting next to Alex (sorry not sorry). We were all confused and suddenly the door quickly opened and slammed shut.

We all turned and saw Crypton with some papers in his hands and he quickly put them on the table, and whent to the computer and put in his drive to start the projector. He was mumbling a lot, as if he needed to talk to himself and as soon as the projector started working he quickly rushed out.

We all looked at each other in confusion

Yen was the first to talk " does anyone know why we're here?"

"He only put on a paper who to get and were to meet up, he didn't say why though" Cora responded

After Cora said that Yara said "I wonder why he decided to pick us?"

"What do you mean?" Alex said

"We're all from different stations, John and I are from the animal life station, yen and Alex are from the biology station, and (y/n) and Cora are from the robotics and (science thing you like), so I don't understand why he gathered us from different stations" Yara explained

As soon as she finished her sentence the door slammed open and Crypton came back in with a large cilinder container laying down on a "cart" and he quickly shut the door again

I decided to know what was going on, "Mr.Crypton? What's going on?"

He quickly turned to us "excellent, you are all here" he looked at us with seriousness in his eyes "I have heard that you are all the best of the best in your stations"

He he started the slide show "have been working on something for years and when this company let me join, I was finally able to finish the project....... Sort of..."

"What do you mean?" Yen said

He looked at us with serious eyes, "when I show you my project, you cannot tell a soul what I've created"

We looked at each other and agreed

"Good, now ever cince music came out, the creators became popular, but sadly now a days, the singers do bad things and the old singers who were amazing died"

"So?" Alex said

"I have decided to create singers who never disappoint, never do bad things, and never die"

He opened the cilinder container to reveal a sleeping, young girl with acua hair

"This is subject CV-01, my first perfect creation"

I couldn't believe it

Cora was amazed but a bit upset "you created life?!"

"What, no, just a......."

"A what?" John asked

Crypton stayed silent for a while "huh, I never named them"

"Them?!" Alex said

"Yup, I've made more than one but CV-01 was the most successful so I chose to show her first"

I was baffled but then I remembered "wait, if you already created them, why did you need us?"

"Oh, right, like I said I've almost finished the project but the....." He paused and started mumbling again

"Umm, hello?"


We jumped in surprise "what?"

"Ahem, sorry I just decided to name them that, now the vocoloids are almost complete but they need to experience something special"

"What's that?" Yara asked

"I must make sure they experience their emotions"

We heard a groan and saw the "vocoloid" wake up

"Papa?" She said in a weird tone

Crypton rushed to her "shhhhhh, honey go back to sleep"

"I'm not tierd papa" she said sleeply

"Sigh, please just lay down then"

She turned to us and gasped "p-papa! Who are those?!"

"Shhh, it's alright, they're friendly"

She slowly approached me "who are you?"

"I'm (y/n), what's your name?" She turned to Crypton and he quickly thought of a name for her

"Her name is Miku"

I smiled at her, "hi Miku"

This took forever, I need a break from school ~-~ being a freshman sucks. Oh well, see y'all later


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