Garroth x reader 2 (a girl with two souls)

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After Laurence told us (y/n) was missing aphmau quickly arranged search parties

I am searching with Laurence and Dante in one part of the forest

I feel horrible, I shouldn't have asked her to switch with me. Now it's my fault we can't find her

What if she got hurt, kidnaped, or worse-!

No we have to find her!

"Guys! Over here!" I hear Dante shout

I run to him and Laurence "did you find anything?"

"I did find something" he moved and I saw her sword and a big puddle of blood "it doesn't look good though"

I looked at the blood horrified "y-you don't think-"

Laurence stopped me "garroth, it might not be her blood, it might have been something else, but seeing her sword here must mean something happened here"

I calm down "let's find the others, maybe Zoey can somehow identify who's blood this is"

Dante stands "then we better hurry before the blood dries"

Meanwhile somewhere else:

(Y/n and Ursula)

I stood and stretched my new body

"Zane, why couldn't you get me a body that is combat ready?"

Zane groaned "you were never satisfied even with your old body"

I smiled "that's cause I need a truly strong body to protect you again my Lord"

Zane looked at me "did I get the wrong soul or something?"

I gasped sarcastically "Lord Zane! I am offended! You should know that I would always protect you!"

Zane rolled his eye "stop before I decide to kill you"

"Alright, but what exactly is the future plan?"

"We are going to attack phoenix drop in a month and find where the-"

"NO! You won't attack phoenix drop!!! Aphmau will stop you Zane!!"

Zane looked at me in surprise "what the-"

I fell to the ground "I CONTROL THIS BODY SO STOP!"

I look at Zane "Lord Zane, you got a stubborn one"

Zane looked confused " what just happened?"

I got up from the ground "she tried to take over but I won control but this worries me"

"What worries you?"

"If I'm in battle with you, what if I'm about to attack and all of a sudden she tries to take over like she just did now?"

Zane thinks for a moment before smirking "why don't you convince her to join us?"

"I could try but looking through her memories I fear she has a close connection with all of the people from that village"

"Is she listening wright now?" I shake my head "alright, find a weakness and convince her to join us, find something that will make her hate the village or someone in the village"

I look through her memories and smirk "I found something, but I need to talk to her so I'm going to be out for a while"

"Alright, I'll lock the door just in case she gets in control"

Zane leaves the room and everything goes dark

Meanwhile somewhere else


After we found the blood Zoey put the blood in a flask and we went to aphmau's house so she could test it

I keep walking back and forth worried about (y/n). If she's dead it's all my fault! But there's no way she could be dead right?

"Garroth?" I stop and look at aphmau "um, yes Lord aphmau?"

"I know you are worried about (y/n) but you need to calm down first"

"Sorry aph but I'm just so worried, if she got hurt it's all my fault!"

"Garroth, calm down. If she's hurt in the forest, one of the search parties will find her"

I smile "thanks aph" she smiles "no problem"

Then Zoey opens her door

"Zoey did you get anything?" I ask her

"It's her blood"

I freeze

Aphmau walkes up to her "Do you think she's okay?"

Zoey thinks "there was a lot of blood so she could be hurt somewhere or she could be....."

I walk to the stair case

"Garroth, where are you going?"

"I'm going to join the search party" I walk out of her house

I have to find her!

Well this sucked 😅 I hope you guys enjoyed. Sorry, I'm kinda not good at continueing stories. If you want to give me ideas on what to write then please tell me.


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