707 x reader Hanahaki

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Hey, it's been awhile since I've made a chapter but I decided to make this because of some inspiration. cough cough Roxy_Chan030 cough. Sadly I've never done the 707 route so if I get something wrong in his character please tell me so I can try to fix it the best I can. Also, I don't know how he's like during his route so pretend he has no feelings for you during it and no major events happen


I smiled as I put down my phone. I was talking to 707 and he was so funny the whole time. he's so nice, I can't wait to meet him during the party in four days

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a cup. As I pored water into the cup all of a sudden a sharp pain was felt in my throat

I tried to ignore it but as soon as I drank from the cup I felt my throat tighten and I started to cough like crazy

I dropped the cup as I coughed and when I opened my eyes I gasped in surprise. Sunflower and rose pedals, scattered around in the floor with the water

'N-no, it can't be.... I can't be in love! I just met 707! I do think he's funny and kind and has amazing ey-' I cough out more pedals

Trying to ignore my previous thoughts, I quickly rush to my phone too look up 'hanahaki'

I click on a website and it reads

Hanahaki: A disease that affects people who are experiencing an unrequited love. The person who is in love will start coughing up flowers and petals. In some cases flowers will fall from their mouth while talking. This especially happens when the conversation topic is the person they are in love with.
Hanahaki has roughly three stages, the first stage are light coughing fits with small amounts of petals being coughed up. The second stage involves violent and painful coughing fits. During this stage large quantities of petals and even flowers are being coughed up. The third and last stage is a non-stop coughing fit with flowers and petals falling from the mouth constantly. This stage will eventually lead to death.

I stop reading and realize I'm shaking

I feel tears go down my cheeks "no! I can't die like this!"

Realizing there was more to read, I continue

There are two ways to cure hanahaki. The first cure is simple. If the person's love becomes requited hanahaki will disappear and they are cured.

I shake my head, There's no way seven would just all of a sudden like me. Luckily there was a second opinion so I continued to read

The second cure is a surgery that will remove all the flowers and petals from the body. However, not only is this a major surgery but as the petals and flowers leave the body the patient's memories of the person they love will also disappear. This causes some people to refuse to take surgery because they don't want to lose their memories.

The tears started to flow more, either I forget everything about him or I die

I could get the surgery, we have only known each other for a while but, all of our fun conversations and phone calls would be gone from my head....

I can't forget about them, looks like I'll just have to try to forget my feelings for him but I don't want to die so soon! Why did I have to fall in love?! Why.......

I felt myself slowly fall asleep as I cry on my bed

(Le time skip with a rose 🌹)

I slowly wake up the next day. I cough violently and see that my phone was full of messeges and missed calls from the chat

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