never say Die

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"AMBETAIL! HOLD ON!" A tawny cat dashed forward, skidding to a stop as she grabbed the falling cat's paws. Ambertail winced as Tinyflight's claws dug in. Ambertail starred into the tawny cat's eyes.

"I-I can't..." She whimpered, already knowing her end had arrived. Tinyflight shook her head.

"You can!" She hissed, trying to pull her up. Ambertail shook her head.

"I'm sorry..."

"But your kits!" Tinyflight continued to attempt to convince her, but she just started to cry.

"Tell them the truth... and please.... Raise them for me, okay? I'll watch over you... In StarClan..." She tried to pull up, but only slid down more. Tinyflight shook her head.

"No! You will survive, and you will raise your kits!" She snarled. Ambertail sighed, then suddenly twisted, causing Tinyflight to pull away in shock.

"I'm sorry..." She whispered as she fell.

She had no clue how long she had fallen. Darkness had swallowed her as she fell, her friend screaming her name. Fools, don't understand how important life is until it's gone... She thought bitterly as she fell. Then, she felt a small thud. Then... She opened her eyes, finding herself staring into the large, sad, bloodshot eyes of Tinyflight.

"I'm sorry, Featherkit... Your mother is gone..."

No! I'm right here! She wanted to yowl, but she just watched her.

"M-Mom is gone...?"

(Ah, my friend pie_kat_2000 requested this, so later I will copy it to the  request book for her.)

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