still really fucking gay

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(Hi babe I love you and I sound ugly so have some monster us being gay caUSE YOU NEVER UPDATE THE STORY SMH)

Gecko leaned back in their chair, a sigh leaving their lightly parted lips. Their flannel draped, seeing as it was unbuttoned. They wore a Halsey shirt underneath, with grey pants. Several chains dangled from their pockets. Normally, they would have a beanie on, but the teacher here was way too strict. So their perpetual bed-head was left for the world to see.

"Well? Nova? Any thoughts? " the teacher asked them, head cocked. Gecko shrugged.

"Well, the title clearly relates to Boo. He's the mockingbird of the story." They said with a yawn, their long teeth flashing. There was a glint in their wolfish eyes. They just couldn't get that new student from their mind.

That Salem kid was stuck in their mind. That obviously wasn't her name, though. She was just like Gecko, a monster. Were they uncommon? Somewhat, but were they unheard of? Absolutely not. Granted, children of "cryptids" and the like were rarer, but again, not unheard of.

The bell rang, signaling the end of school. Kids got up, shuffling their things. It all hurt Gecko's ears, but they had learned to cope. They jumped up, quickly exiting. They pulled their bag closer to their body as they walked out. Just as they had expected, Salem was heading out the door. Gecko smirked, staring to jog after her, when they felt a hand of their shoulder.

"The hell ya doing?" She asked, her Irish accent showing through as she looked at the person who grabbed them. Stels was glaring.

"Hey, horny dog, chill your heated ass. It's getting really old, you chasing her like she's a hitch in heat," Stels huffed, her fingers digging in. " and besides. She wouldn't like you if she knew what you were. "

"She's one of us. Let me have my chance." They snarled , yanking their arm free and jogging off to Salem. Gecko could feel the eyes boring into their back, but they ignored it.

"What'cha doin', lassie?" They asked, grabbing Salem's arm in a similar fashion as Stels did. Salem instantly started blushing.

"U-uh, g-going home.." She stuttered. Gecko flashed another toothy grin.

"Why don't ya come home with me?" They offered, their tone smug. Same quickly shook her head.

"Oh, no, I can't. My... Dad would get mad!" She said. Gecko heard the hesitation, however. That concerned their theory.

"Then why don't I come over?" They offered. Salem shook her head again.

"T-that wouldn't be a good idea. Look, I-i'm just going to go, now..." She turned and ran off, leaving Gecko alone. They let their hand fall, frowning. They then turned and walked off, head drooping. They were going to ask her out, however. By the end of the week...
Gecko logged into their account, looking at their feed. They had followed Salem for quite sometime before she came to their school. Gecko sighed, looking at some art. One of their friends, Amber, had posted a picture for Gecko. It was them in their signature outfit, with a Hayley Kiyoko shirt on instead. Gecko smiled, and quickly clacked out a comment. Amber was on, and quickly sent Gecko a message.

Amberite: yo bitch get your ugly ass on
Triqqer Finqer: what's up dick?
Amberite: did ya hear River has a crush???
Triqqer Finqer: yeah, I know. BEsides, she goes to school with me now
Amberite: jfhsjdj whAT THE HELL?? FDJAJJDD
Triqqer Finqer: anyways, I heard.
Amberite: guess what I'm gonna be writing??
Triqqer Finqer: fuck you

Gecko sighed, going to look at Salem's stuff. They were hopelessly in love with Salem. They had had a crush on her for such a long time, and now she was in her school! Fate was a tricky, horrible bastard.

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