Wendy's X reader

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(Y/N=your name//(H/C=hair colour//(H/S=Hairstyle//(N/N=Rude nickname//(E/C=Eye colour//(F/C=Favorite colour) 

  Damn... I'm really fucking hungry. You looked up from your phone as your stomach let out a growl reminiscent of Jurassic-fucking-Park. You frowning, closing Discord and stood up. With a stretch and a yawn, you were off to find something to wear. As you walked towards your room, you happened to pass a mirror. Why you have a mirror hanging in the hall? Why the hell not? You look into it, admiring your (H/C) hair, which perfectly accented your (E/C) eyes. Your hair was (H/S). You were pretty much fucking stunning.
    You walked into your room, grabbing your (F/C) hoodie from it's spot draped across a random chair. Your room was an absolute mess. Glasses everywhere, clothes thrown whereever there was space. You pulled on a random pair of shoes, which happened to just be converse. You stood up, walked out of your room, and grabbed your keys. No way in hell were you walking. You had a car. Why not use it?
    You drove around town, looking for some place to eat while your stomach tired to kill itself. You eventually came across a Wendy's. As you drove towards it, you debated whether or not to go through the drive through. Finally, you parked and just walked in. There were only three other people there, nobody really worth remembering. Except for one. There was a girl with red pigtails, and freckles. She had stunning eyes, though from your angle you couldn't tell what colour they were. She had on a blue dress with white stripes. The collar of the dress was frilled, and it seemed to spell out "MOM". She saw you staring at her, and rolled her eyes. She then motioned at the cash register with her head, arms folded. You quickly shook your head and went up to order. However, you didn't even remember what you ordered because your mind was on that girl, and totally not because the author is super lazy and doesn't wanna look up what the menu has on it.
    You walked to a table as close to the woman as you could. You kept glancing at her out of the corner of your eyes, but she kept seeming to notice. She would give you a smug smirk, and you would whip away, staring at your phone. This went on several times before she actually walked to your fucking table. You swallowed in pure fear, watching her as she pulled out the chair in front of you. She sat down, and stared at you with that same smug-ass smirk.
    "U-Uh, hello?" You said, palms instantly sweaty. She rolled her eyes.
    " 'U-Uh, hello?' Wow, I thought you would be bolder than that, the way you kept eyeing me." She responded with enough snark to cause a rude five year old to blush. And it was more than enough to make you wanna scream.
    "Well damn, no need to be so salty. I would've thought you worked for McDonalds as the fry cook!" You retorted in panic. Oh, you were sassy when you were scared. The girl just burst into laughter.
    "Honey, salt is what I do!" She responded, looking at you with her amazing eyes. You still couldn't tell what colour they were. Were they a rich brown? Were they a dark green? You just couldn't tell. But still, they were absolutely stunning. She perked up as the woman who took your order called out your name.
    "Oh, your name is (Y/N), eh? Better go get your munchies, (R/N)!" She said. You rolled your eyes, but her calling giving you such a mean nickname filled your stomach with butterflies. Maybe you could just eat those butterflies, give her the food...
    Your stomach stopped that train of thought with a roar so loud you were sure the entire restaurant heard. The woman at the counter did, for sure. She gave a small laugh, shaking her eat. "Eat up, you don't wanna be too hungry!" She said, handing it to you. You nodded gratefully, walking to the table. The stunning woman just kept watching you as you sat down. You glanced at the fries, before you offered them to the woman. Instead of her acting polite, or offering to pay you back, she just took a couple with a shrug. Still, the fact that she accepted something form you made you giddy with joy.
    "By the way, you're really bad at random dates," She commented, taking a bite off fry. She finished the bite, before continuing. "By the way, my name is Wendy." She winked at you. You flushed.
    "A-bu-Ge-Du— A date?!" You sputtered, but you were careful not to spit. She probably already thinks you're weird as fuck. She laughed.
    "Eh, why not. I'll never pass up free food." Her phone went off, and she pulled it out. You watched her, (E/C) eyes curious. She snickered, and turned her phone around to twitter. Somebody had said "My friends like wendy's, but I don't, what do I say?" She had decided to respond with "apologize for being wrong." You nearly burst into laughter, doing everything in your power so as not to spit everywhere. You swallowed the bite you had in your mouth, and wheezed. She grinned.
    "Think that's good enough?" She asked with a wink. You nodded, unable to speak. The rest of your lunch continued much less awkwardly, with Wendy responding to tweets. "Nowadays, people just say dumb shit to get me to respond. I'm not complaining. All publicity is good publicity, I guess!" You nodded at that, before you stood up with your tray. Wendy shook her head. "I got that." She said, standing up as well. You smiled, and gave a thankful nod. You walked towards the door, when she grabbed your shoulder.
    "You really are shit at dealing with women. Here. You're supposed to ask for a number, not just guess it. So here." She handed you a slip of paper with her phone number on it. Not just her twitter. You coughed, and gave a small smile. "Well, (R/N), you better head home." She folded her arms, winking at you. You rolled your eyes.
    "Thanks, McDonalds, but I know what to do now." You ran a hand through your (H/C) hair, and smirked. She actually smiled.
    "You're catching on, my prodigy!"
(Well I'm sorry gay guys but i mean it's ducking wendy's You can handle that shit.
I hope it's okay.

It was meant to be kinda shitty tho)

(I wrote this. This is real.

This exists.)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2018 ⏰

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