Chapter One

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It was nearly here. The day that everything changed. The day that we talked about every day at school. The day I would graduate, move out, start working and begin my quest of finding my soulmate. The day I would become an adult.

To say I was scared out of my mind was a sugarcoat of an understatement. The anxiety of the upcoming week left me feeling like I was floating in the ocean, unable to see what was under my feet or how deep it was. Scared but not quite sure what I should be scared of yet exactly. There was so much unknown and that was proving to be something I have trouble with dealing with.  Although I knew mostly what to expect because I had been preparing for this moment my whole life it still felt as though I was ill prepared.

The worst thing was it clearly wasn't just me suffering from anxiety. You could see the worry on all my classmate's faces. The dark circles that drape under their jittery eyes from sleepless nights and cups of morning coffee. They all tried to put on an act, much like myself but it was clear they were not quite ready for their adolescence.

The one person I let my guard down to was my best friend Namjoon. He was the one person I felt comfortable enough to admit how terrified I was and express the anguish I had towards the unknown. Even around my parents I kept my anxiety to myself so they would not worry.

Namjoon and I were currently lying down together in one of the harvesting fields that resided behind our homes. We were lucky enough to have homes that were next to each other. Not that we had much longer to enjoy that novelty.

We were in comfortable silence as we both looked out at the horizon at the sun slowly melting away. That view would never truly get old. This place had been our escape from the outside world for years now. We were the only people every hanging out here so it was always so peacefully silent with only the sounds of each other breathes and the breeze being heard. Here we could be completely present with each other and be distant from the stresses of everyday life.

However, at this moment it felt almost too quiet. It made room for my thoughts to roam which wasn't exactly helping me feel any better. But I knew Joonie could make me feel better if I just talked to him.

"I can't help thinking but, I just, what if I don't add up," I whisper to my best friend Namjoon as he lazily twisted a finger around a strand of hair that escaped the loose braid that ran down my shoulder.

"Add up?" He asked confused creasing his actions from before.

"Like what if I never find my soulmate or I actually hate my job. I could end up like one of those 40-year-olds who still live in those damn apartments. I mean that must be sad." I softly spoke, looking up at him from where my head was laying on his thighs.

"Same. I'm just scared because I want to amount to anything. We will be alright though. If we have nothing else in this world at least we will have each other. I'm always gonna stay here. Even if I met my soulmate on holiday in Chicago I'll tell her that she has to move here." A small smile creeping on his face as he peers down at me.

"You would be a terrible soulmate." I chuckle and sit up.

"Hey, I would be a great soulmate! I'd attempt to cook them pancakes and give them shoulder massages. Plus I would give her amazing gifts" He speaks confidently.

"That's against the rules. We aren't allowed to give gifts silly, its a communism. If one gets something we all get it. So unless you are willing to get that gift for everyone then its illegal. And that would not be particularity special then" I say matter of factually. Even though he was due to work in the society building in just two days he still doesn't understand the full concept of a communism.

"Then well be rule breakers together." Beside me I see his lanky figure stand and he extends his arms for me to grip onto for leverage.

"Yea because you are such a rule breaker," I mutter quietly as I grip his hand and he easily pulls me up.

"Anyway, you would be a great soulmate Ivy, don't worry about it. Someone will look at you one day and realize how lucky to have you as their soulmate. I can promise you that."

"I guess," He stares directly at me but I try to avoid his gaze by staring at the ground. I felt so uncomfortable by compliments. "But thank you, I take that back from before you wouldn't be that bad."

"You're welcome. Anyway, we should be heading back home now. It's getting dark plus dinner would be ready now." He says and begins to walk back towards the gate that leads to our homes.

I take one last look back at the fields, this was where I would find myself for the rest of my life. Planting, growing and tending to the plants that would later be found on our dinner plates. A fairly simple job but since pretty much all we ate was plant-based it was a pretty important job.

"You coming?" He calls out as he sees that I still haven't moved. I huffed as began to walk after him.

We wandered together down out of the fields back towards our houses. It was late summer so there was still a lingering humid breeze. At the end of the field was an old wooden fence. The Fence was probably once used to keep animals enclosed but since plants can't run away the fence was never rebuilt. Now with no real use, it was just left to decay.

The gate leads to a small path that was used by some of the many growers. The path was narrow and littered with semi-decomposed leaves. While walking we passed many small brick houses, each Identical to the last. If it wasn't for the number that was painted on each of the gates, we could have mistaken it for our own.

When we get to our houses its pretty dark and the birds are starting to sing their babies to sleep with sweet lullabies. I turn towards Namjoon and pull him down into a tight hug. Even though I would only be seeing him tomorrow I still had the urge to be embraced in his arms.

"Goodnight Joonie," I whisper and ruffle his hair resulting in a playful glare.

"Goodnight Ivy." He nods and then begins to walk further down the path to his house.

"Wait!" I call and run after him.

"I forgot to ask, but do you think you could come over to mine after school tomorrow? It's just I have a lot to do before I move out and I thought you could help me." I say quickly, slightly out of breath.

"Of course. You know you didn't really have to ask you could have just said to come and I would have." He chuckled.

"It's polite," I state.

"I suppose. Well, i'll see you tomorrow then. Good night." Namjoon says and proceeds to lean down and kiss my cheek. He has only done this a few times so it felt a little random but I still smiled up at him acting, like nothing happened. "Night."

Thanks for reading i appreciate every single one of you! Even though there probably is only be about one of you hah. I still don't know how i feel about this story so feedback is always appreciated!

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