Chapter Two

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This was going to be the last ever full week of school for me. Which erupted both excitement and nervousness into my chest. It settled there and embedded its nails into me, trying to hold its grip on me. I just hoped that it would go away though.

It was going to be an extremely relaxed school week for me because I have finished all of my exams but one. I was left to my own devices at school and expected to study. However studying wasn't exactly a strong point for me. It was just hard to find motivation when you know that it meant nothing because I already had a secured job placement. It made me wonder why it was even necessary to sit exams.

Like every other day of study leave, I had plans to be in the library for the majority of the day. At least if I was there I could study with Namjoon, Or at least try to. I had no classes with Namjoon as we learn about topics specific to the job we would be having. He was due to work in the social building which is essentially the main hub of our whole society. There they dealt with all of the physical paperwork and made most of the decisions that would affect the whole community. They only trusted the most intelligent people to be working there which explained why they offered Namjoon the job. It was supposed to be an honor to work there but he wasn't particularly excited. He often expressed how he would much rather have my job so then he would be able to do something physical rather than being stuck behind a desk. However, I think I would be quite happy to have his job. That being because my lazy ass could sit down all day.

At the beginning of the day, the library was relatively packed with the majority of the seats being taken up. However, as the day progressed the crowd slowly regressed. Now it was just Namjoon, I and a few others in there including the grumpy librarian. I'm still to this day not quite sure what I did to her to deserve so much hostility.

It had been a long day of procrastinating and I was tired.

I looked at my phone to check the time, hoping it had suddenly changed. Namjoon resided next to me reading with a look of concentration while having a pair of headphones in his ears. I wish I had his motivation. He made it look so easy.

"Kill me now! I actually couldn't give a shit about this crap." I mutter to myself and begin to repeatedly drop my head on the desk in front of me. This grabs Namjoons attention as he takes his headphones out and puts his hand on my back.

"Come on it can't be that bad," Namjoon says and reaches for the work I was trying to read. Before quickly putting it down without a word.

"I just don't understand why me knowing photosynthesis in this much detail would actually be beneficial. Like sun, chloroplasts, energy boom. That is all I should need to know. It's not like I'm even becoming a plant scientist or anything. I'm just growing plants let me be" I stop with my rant and sit back up. Regretting instantly banging my head on the table. It just felt necessary at the time.

"Okay I see your point but this is your last exam ever. Think about that. This is the last time you will ever have to learn about this stuff and as soon as you walk out of that exam room you will never have to care about it ever again."

"That's not helping," I mutter, considering banging my head again.

"Anyway, you can talk you are just naturally good at exams. I crumble under pressure" Perhaps I was just trying to find excuses as to why I never did well in exams but still. It came so easily to him while I felt like I was struggling in comparison.

"No, I just work hard." He says mater of factually and puts one of his headphones back.

"Are you trying to insinuate that I don't work hard?" I say jokingly while raising my eyes brows to seem shocked.

"I mean you would be correct in doing so but still, harsh." He puts his other headphone in, obviously done with dealing with me.

"Anyway school ends in twenty minutes what is the point of starting now?" I say as I begin to pack my books into my school bag. I sat there scrolling through my phone until Namjoon decides to pack up his belongings also.

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