Chapter Seven

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The day started like most, with an obnoxiously loud alarm. A crisp breeze lightly drifted in the dimly light room from the windows that had been open all night. Like they were every night. It wasn't that it was warm, quite the opposite actually. The cool breeze was comforting in a sense.

Only when the alarm had risen to an unbearable level did I bother to move. It felt a little surreal  that it was Saturday, the day of the graduation ceremony. It was strange to think about how this would be the last day waking up in this bed, the last day of waking up with the fresh smell of my mother's pancakes. It was the end of so many great memories.

Hopefully to make room for much more.

I could hardly sleep last night as a result of anxious thoughts that flooded my mind. I tried to remember how at peace I felt lying on the field with Namjoon but truth is, it wasn't the same without him by my side. When I looked in the mirror it certainly was evident that I hadn't got the best sleep. I look about seventy years older.

I spent the rest of the morning repacking up all of the clothes Namjoon went through the day previous and carried all of the boxes next to the front door. Then it would be ready for when the van would come to grab them later this evening.

By the time that was finished, it was half-past twelve. All I probably had time for was wishing goodbyes. I knew once I got in public, all I would be able to manage is a hug and possibly a tear. I wasn't good with words, especially when I was nervous.

I wish my parents would be the first ones to speak but they both just stood in front of me speechless. It felt so unreal to finally be at this moment. I had said this speech in my head a million times before in my head but now I've forgotten every word.

Instead of speaking I simply extended my arms out to them and we all joined in a three-way hug. We were all quiet for a minute before I built up the courage to begin speaking.

"I'm going to miss you guys so much. And you were amazing parents don't you even think that and am so thankful for you both being in my life." I stammered out. My voice faded in and out in volume as I grew and dropped in confidence.

I feel like they both understood everything I was trying to say by how they both teared up. It was no great secret that I had trouble expressing myself in words so I don't think they were expecting some long monologue. My three sentences were probably more than expected anyway.

We all joined in one final hug before walking to the graduation ceremony. I was scared out of my wits but with my mothers hand clutching my own it made me feel so much more secure.


I was sitting in the packed town hall with the rest of my school year in alphabetical order. Which meant I was nowhere near Namjoon. I was surrounded by nervous lip bites and anxious fidgeting. I guess no one knew really what to do with themselves, in more ways than one.

The room was filled with seats for the graduates while the parents and family stood at the back. Up front were the teachers and some of the society building workers with their pristine uniforms on.

After a boring speech about going of age and responsibility, the names started to be called up to receive a handshake, certificate and their locket. I wasn't really paying attention but rather pulling faces at Namjoon from across the room. At least it was distracting me from the tight feeling of nausea in my chest.

One by one people were getting called out. They all had a look of shock and nervousness as they shuffled off to the front. They could barely take their eyes up from the ground. I couldn't help but think when one person went up I was one closer to being up there myself in front of the huge crowd.

To pass the time I turned around to look for my parents. I found them standing next to Namjoon's parents with my mum and his nervously linking arms. Just as I turned back around after flashing a quick smile to mum, Namjoons name was called.

I could see he immediately tensed up and looked like he wanted to run out. I wonder what would happen if he did do that. Running his fingers through his hair he stood up and started to walk to the stage. He nervously fiddled with the silver ring that was around one of his fingers. A habit he only seemed to pick up when he needed to calm himself down.

Once he was up on stage his eyes never left mine. The term 'eyes locked' had never been so relevant.

His movements were stale and forced as he received his handshake and certificate. He managed to flash a quick smile in his parent's direction as they got his locket out and were about to put it over his neck. The whole crowd almost stopped as they watched to see if it would glow once it was resting on his sternum. For some, their lockets started glowing brightly as soon as it settled around their necks.They were the lucky ones, their quest was done.

However, the locket that was placed around his neck remained as dull as an old coin and he was soon escorted out the back. His soulmate obviously wasn't anywhere to be found here.

It felt like it had been hours but really it was only minutes before my name was called. Although I was relieved to finally get it over with, it still didn't make my hands shake any less or my body feel any stronger. I made my way up as quick as I could, the boredom of the audience and my nerves made the room feel as thick as custard on my skin. It was begging me to get it over with.

This was meant to be 'One of the best moments of my life' but it felt like more of a cloudy illusion as I stepped up to the stage and looked out to all the faces staring up at me.

I got the routine handshake and certificate like everyone else and waited for the locket to be placed around my neck. I wasn't sure if I even wanted it to glow anymore though.

My eyes focused on my mums as it happened and I refused to glance down at the locket. However, I knew it hadn't changed by the hand that touched my back, ushering me to walk backstage.

It was weird when I imagined that moment I thought of fireworks and that something spectacular was going to happen, like I was something special. If there was one thing that this occasion would teach me it was that I was just as ordinary as everybody else.

When I stepped into the backstage room the first person I saw was Namjoon. As soon as he came into vision I immediately ran up to him and flung my arms around his neck without even thinking about it. My body felt like a shaking leaf against his still body as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I refused to let go until my breathing evened out and I felt like I could hold my own weight again.

"You okay?" He whispered as I took my arm down from being around his neck. I only managed to let out a small nod in response.

"Everyone the first bus has arrived! Please make an orderly exit and make your way on the bus to claim a seat!" a tall man yelled from the corner of the room. The swell of people began to slowly make their way to the bus but we weren't in any rush. It wasn't until the second and final bus was called did we move.

Nothing felt right about getting on the bus to be taken away. This was my little place in the world. But still the cooling pavements of the city called my name and they begged for me to join them.

Namjoon clutched my hand as we were on the bus as I tried to hold my tears. I few managed to escape though and they slipped down my check gently. However, every time that occurred Joon would always wipe it away.

As his eyes met mine a tiny glint appeared as they looked on at me. He leaned in closer to me and began to sing softly in my ear to try to comfort me.

"Only you and me, we have made it out it seems. I made it out it seems, I think I'm ready."

The song Namjoon was singing at the end is 'Grow' by Conan Gray. You should definitely check it out (along with idle town simply because it's amazing)! Try to imagine his deep voice singing it, I know I will be. It's been two weeks since u first started this story! Which is crazy to say it feels longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2017 ⏰

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