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Dear Diary,

Tray decided to invite me on a date tonight instead of taking care of his eye like I had told him to.I could'nt refuse, because he had gotten punched in the eye today.He was very happy that I'd said yes, and he'd pick me up in 30 minutes.I didn't know where we were even going, so I didn't know what the heck to wear.I finally decided on some simple shorts,an white t-shirt, and a flannel jacket tied around my waist.Tray had texted me saying that he was outside and ready to go.I studied on the way there, of course.We ended up going to see some movie about emojis.(Im getting in with the memes too)It was actually so terrible that it was funny.After that, we went to go get froyo.He dropped me off at my house and said,"Hey,you have some froyo on your lip, let me get it." And he went in for a kiss.I kissed him back of course,why would'nt I?What a night.

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