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Finally.The week has ended.As hectic as it was,I'm willing to let it go.I was going to go to lunch with Tray because he needed to ask me something important.Im not going to get my hopes up like I usually do, he's probably just going to ask me if we can study for the exam.But he may not.We will have to see.
(12:05) It's finally time for lunch,he hasn't told me where we are going,of course.He wants to surprise me.I hear him blow the horn and I rush down and get into the car.We end up going to this romantic Sushi restaurant called Japana.<I don't know if that's a real thing so don't murder me plz ;-;>It is a really pretty place actually.I wanted the plain old Salmon with rice.Tray got the same thing.Our food finally comes and halfway through our date,Tray gets on one knee and hands me a rose.It was the most beautiful rose I've ever seen."Will you make me the happiest senior alive, and go to Homecoming with me?" Tray said.I almost cried of happiness.Of course I said yes.I got so excited because Homecoming was so soon.It was on Monday.They cut the day in half and dismissed us at twelve.The dance began at six.Im so excited!!

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