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December 31st, 1961

It was a dark and stormy night as I ran through the pouring rain. Thunder and lighting crackled in the sky above. My apartment was still two blocks away, but I had to get there before my papers got too wet. At the office, we have had three sudden disappearances. Nobody really knows what has happened to them, they just were at work one day and then they weren't. I let out a small sigh of relief as I saw the lights of my apartment building come into view. While it was never exactly dark in New York City, in the area I live it can be a little darker. Most street lights have been shot out or busted in my neighborhood, and most people move as soon as possible to get out of the ghettoish part of New York. I ran through the door of my apartment building, dripping wet. I jogged up the three flights of stairs to apartment number 37. I unlocked the door, walked in, and then double locked it behind me. The only way that anyone can get in is if they break down the door. I collapsed onto my bed, heard the springs moan underneath me, before immediately falling into a deep slumber filled with dark shadows that watched me.

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