The Escape

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Chapter 3

The Escape

Kalea walked to the dungeons in silence as to not let anyone know where she was going. She still held Fili's sword. When she reached the dungeon she realized that she was not alone. quickly hiding herself behind a wall, she peered around the corner. What the She-Elf saw, surprised her. It was Tauriel who seemed to be talking to a dwarf just as Kalea had planned to do.

Kalea listened closely to their conversation and realized that they conversed about the Feast of Starlight. The young She-Elf guessed that if Tauriel was talking to a dwarf then she could as well. She stepped out of hiding and sat down on the stairs near Fili's cell. Tauriel quickly looked at her with panic in her eyes, but Kalea simply smiled and held up her hand as if to say that she would make no mention of this to anyone. Tauriel relaxed and smiled back at her, meaning that Kalea's secret was safe as well.

"Kalea?" A familiar dwarf voice asked. She turned towards the cell bars and saw Fili.

"Yes," She responded.

"What are you doing here?"

"Um...keeping watch." She lied.

There was silence between the two that was soon broken by Kalea who took out Fili's sword, Thor. "So, master dwarf, tell me about the promise you made to your mother." She said, weighing the beautifully crafted sword with her hands and her eyes.

Fili looked at her with a puzzled expression but then smiled in the most handsome way. "Ok." He agreed and began telling about his mother and where she was, about the sword she made especially for him.

Kalea listened intently. She found herself getting lost in the dwarf's eyes. Not before long, Tauriel left and Kalea and Fili were alone with all the other dwarves.

"Could you please let us out." The leader asked.

"No. I am sorry, but I cannot." Kalea said, rising to her feet.

"I'll wager the sun is on the rise. Must be nearly dawn." Another dwarf said.

"We're never gonna reach the mountain, are we?" A younger voice sighed.

Kalea wanted so badly to let them out. They had done nothing wrong. Her father could not see past his own selfish desire that they should be set free. Before the elf could make a decision, a hobbit appeared out of nowhere.

"Not stuck in here you're not." He said with a jingle of the keys that he held in his hand.

This was it. Kalea had to decide where her trust fell. She could sound the alarm, elven guards would be here in a second, her father would be so proud. Or...she could help them escape. For so long had Kalea wanted an adventure, something exciting, something to fight for. She then made her decision.

Kalea ran to the dwarf leader and held his arm until he noticed her and turned her direction.

He gave her a worried look.

"I promise I will not tell a soul. I will help you escape. My name is Kalea. I wish to join your Company." She said.

"How do I know I can trust you?" He asked.

"You don't, you're just going to have to take my word for it."

"Your father abandoned us when we needed him."

"Do not blame me for my father's mistakes, dwarf. I would never abandon a helpless race." Kalea spat.

The leader of the Company was then silent.

"You may join." He finally stated.

Kalea could not contain the smile that spread across her face, but remembered the task at hand.

"Then I know exactly how to get you out of here." She said.

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