I See Fire

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"It has often been noted that those who live, or have lived, in the shadow of death bring a mellow sweetness to everything they do."

- Helen Keller { Three Days to See }

Chapter 17

I See Fire

Kalea's POV


Such a small word for something so destructive. The whole of Lake-Town was set ablaze by the monster we had awoken. The screaming of innocent people could be heard from even where we were standing so far away. The worst part was that I wasn't there to be sure my friends were ok. You see, certainty is a funny thing. I wished nothing more than to be in Lake-Town that very second to be certain they still lived...but, I don't know how I would cope with being certain they were dead if I was there. Seeing the flames lick the night sky made my once wounded legs burn with the same fury it had when I was first attacked by Smaug. I didn't care about that though--Fili was in Lake-Town.

Fili was in the fire.

"Adda!" I called to Thranduil whom led his troop of elves toward Dale to supply the people there. I was the one who had convinced him to help the poor people, but he only agreed for the possession he supposedly lost to the dwarves. "We need to hurry," I longed to hold the sword Fili had made me promise to return to him. But Thorin had it. He would tell Fili that I was dead. I had to get to them all.

Since I had come from the mountain back to Mirkwood, I had walked around nonstop. Even now as we moved towards Dale, I refused to ride, except for the occasional rest. Because of the elvish medicine, I had healed in no time at all. And now, I was bent on surviving for my friends. Nothing could stop me.

"We will get there, Kalea. You mustn't worry," said my father. Legolas rode beside me and held out a hand for me to take.

"I need to find Tauriel. I can take you and we will reach them before the group should." He said.

I smiled up at my brother and took his hand. He slung me onto the saddle of his horse and we took off far ahead of our father and the army with him.

In less time than I thought it would take, we reached a group of people standing outside of the ruined Lake-Town. I looked around for Fili. And then...I saw him. He looked completely beat up and as if he had just barely escaped death. Just how I had left him. I fought off the extreme urge to run to him. To hug him. And even to kiss him.

Legolas approached Tauriel from behind and without seeing him, she said, "My Lord Legolas."

"Take your leave of the Dwarf. You are needed elsewhere." Legolas replied in elvish.

I noticed the look Tauriel and Kili exchanged. I could tell that they were in love. And I felt sympathy for them both. Kili began walking to the boat they were boarding but turned around and handed Tauriel something, whispering indistinguishable words to her as he did so. Fili had yet to see me and I was growing impatient.

"Come, Tauriel," I said, hoping my voice would grip the dwarf's attention. It did.

Fili looked up quickly and made eye contact with me. In that moment, we were both silent. Neither of us knew what to do. Before either of us could figure out what to do, the boat began to float away with a sudden jerk. Fili looked around frantically for a way to stop the boat from moving, but his attempts were futile. I watched with sadness as he and the other dwarfs with him drifted away, forcing me to wait longer to be with him again.

"Kalea," he called with remorse in his voice.

I blinked away tears that brimmed my eyes and called in return, "I will see the you soon, my friend."

"Kalea," Legolas snapped. I looked at him, hoping he couldn't see the redness in my eyes. "Will you come with us?"

"I think I should stay and help Bard." I said softly.

Legolas nodded and left with Tauriel. I started off the find the bowman. I needed to ask him how Smaug had been defeated.


I know, I know. Most disappointing update ever, BUT AT LEAST ITS SOMETHING!

Keep pestering me to make more and I might be able to force myself to write XD
I have zero inspiration.

Hope you liked it, my peach! <3

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