Journey to Lake-Town

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Chapter 7

Journey to Lake-Town

Kalea's POV:

I sat awkwardly on the barge that sailed silently across the still waters. Fili had just practically called me beautiful! I was an elf, he a dwarf; how could he ever think that?

I stood and walked along the barge towards the captain.

"My name is Kalea." I spoke to the bargeman.

"Bard." He replied.

I smiled and nodded.

"Pray tell, what is an elf like you doing with a group of dwarves like them?" He asked in a whisper.

"I helped them escape my fa-...the captivity of Mirkwood. Then, I asked to join them."

Bard chuckled. "I knew you were no such simple merchants. But tell me, why would you wish to join them?"

I paused and thought. Should I really tell Bard about myself? He seems like a good, trustworthy man.

"Well, I came from a place of little excitement. I wanted something new and fresh... An adventure." I finally replied.

"You are different from your kin. Most elves of theWoodland Realm want nothing to do with outside lands. I admire your spirit of adventure." Bard replied, looked at me, and winked.

I blushed and then sat down again. Looking up, I noticed a large rock coming at us.

"Watch out!" The dwarf with the funny hat exclaimed.

Bard slid his barge smoothly around the rock.

"What are you trying to do? Drown us?" The leader spat.

"I was born and bred on these waters, Master Dwarf. If I wanted to drown you, I would not do it here." Bard replied.

I slouched back knowing we were safe.

"Oh, I've had enough of this lippy lake-man. I say we throw him over the side and be done with him." I heard the tallest dwarf say to the rest.

"Oh, Bard. His name's Bard." Bilbo said in an aggravated tone.

I smiled to myself. I wasn't the only one who cared about the man who agreed to take us across the lake.

"How do you know?" The tallest asked.

"Uh...I asked him." Bilbo smirked.

"I don't care what he calls himself, I don't like him."

A frown spread across my face. Those dwarves were far too quick to judge.

"We do not have to like him, we simply have to pay him." The eldest chimed in as he counted their coins. "Come on, now, lads. Turn out your pockets."

The other dwarves began hunting through their clothes for any loose change they might have had.

I then watched as the tallest dwarf strode over to the leader. They whispered something to each other that I couldn't quite make out.

"There's um...just a wee problem. We're ten coins short." The elder said.

The dwarves shot glances at each other. None seemed to have any money. I reached into my pocket an pulled out a sack of 20 coins. I walked over to them and tossed the bag onto the table with the money. The dwarves looked at me, Fili had a large grin on his face and I smiled back.

"20 coins." I said. "You can keep the spare."

The oldest dwarf smiled and nodded at me.

"Much thanks, my Lady." He said.

With the ten extra coins they distributed them amongst the older dwarves. Fili, Kili, and what looked to be the youngest of the Company were left out. Suddenly, another dwarf stood and looked out to the horizon. I looked as well as the rest of the Company and saw a large mountain. I assumed that it was Erebor. One could easily forget that such a beautiful mountain harbored such a dangerous creature. My father told me stories of the day that Erebor was attacked by the Fire Drake from the North. How he refused to help them...

"The money, quick. Give it to me." Bard quickly said.

"We will pay you when we get our provisions, but not before." The leader replied.

"If you value your freedom, you'll do as I say. There are guards ahead."

The Company exchanged glances with each other.

"Get in the barrels. All of you." He said.

None of the dwarves moved. They obviously never expected to have to get in those barrels again.

"Do as he says." I exclaimed.

The leader shot me a look.

"Thorin gives the orders, not you, lass." The tallest said.

So his name was Thorin...

"Thorin would not I did." I retorted.

"Get in the barrels." Thorin muttered.

The dwarves did as commanded.

"Kalea, where will you be. We can't fit in that thing together again." Fili said with a chuckle.

"Get in the barrel. I... I'll figure something out." I replied.

"Kalea-" he began.

"She will stay with me." Bard interrupted.

I turned to look at him.

"Cover your ears with your hair. I'll pretend you are my guest."

I blushed and nodded. Fili looked extremely displeased but obliged and climbed into his barrel. Bard looked to me when the dwarves had been concealed and walked over, putting an arm around my waist.

"Place your hand on my chest." He commanded.

I did as he said...our situation had just become much more awkward. Well, for me anyway.

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