Chapter 1: OSCORP

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Peter Parker walked through the hallways of Mid-town high. He was bullied and called a "nerd". Just a nerd he thought. Today his class was goig to OSCORP laboratories. Peter was so excited.  He wanted to be a scientist that worked with radioactive chemicals when he grew up. He imagined working in the lab where no one will call him names and appreciate him as he walked into the bus. The bus was like the usual, jockeys throwing things ranging from their lunch to smelly gym socks, the nerds were talking science or digging there noses in books, the popular girls talking about how hot the popular boys are. The usual. The bus ride was long but they finally made it. Peter stood in front of the tower. Wow this place is HUGE he thought. They were all tooken eventually by a tour guide. " Hey Pete, nice place isn't it?" his friend Harry said. Harry was Peter's best friend, his dad, Norman Osborn founded OSCORP industries. Peter and Harry have been friends for a long time. " Ya this place is cool. Your dad sures got a cool place." Peter said. " what do you think MJ?" Mary Jane Watson or MJ for short is also Peters best friend and they also meet in Kindergarten. " Ya this place IS cool!" MJ said " cooler then our last field trip." Harry and Peter laughed. The tour guide guided them to the radioactive lab where they mutate animals. " This is were we keep our radioactive animals. He pointed to many creatures such as rats, lizards, and spiders. " Hey Pete" Harry said " why don't you take a picture of me and MJ." Peter took out his camera. Meanwhile he was taking pictures, a spider broke out of it's jar and started to desend on Peter. The spider bit Peter. Peter winced and dropped the camera. He looked at his hand. The little bite matk was stinging and his blood felt like it was poisioned. " Any questions?" the tour guide asked. Peter raised his arm. " Well... what will happend... by chance one of these animals bit you?". " We have no idea but we think that the consequences can be fatal." the tour guide said. " Umm.. can I be exused?" Peter said as he ran as fast as he could out of the Tower. Peter ran and ran wondering what will happend. Will I die? he thought. The words rang in his ears The consequences can be fatal over and over again. He ran in a dark alley. He put his arms on the wall. It sticked to the wall. Peter was confused. He put his legs on the wall. It sticked too. Then Peter hade a crazy idea. He put his legs on the wall and started to run up the wall, vertically. He climbed to the rooftop and looked down at New York city. Peter grinned. Peter ran across the rooftop and jumped. His jump was higher than a average human jump. He landed and climbed up the wall and did this several times. This isn't a big problem.  Peter thought I can make major money off this. Then he looked up at the wrestling billboard and grinned.

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