Chapter 5 : Night of The Goblin

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A nice chilly Halloween night Peter thought to himself. A perfect time to swing high in the city. As Peter swung around the city, he felt like he was in a trance, then a bomb hit him in the back. Spiderman screeched in agony. He rubbed his back. He could feel blood dripping down his back. His spider senses were tingling like crazy. Spiderman did a backflip and dodged a bomb going for his head. He shot web at the bomb, which was oddly shaped like a pumpkin, and threw it back at the person who hit him. The bombs deactivated 2 feet from the foes head. " Foolish insect!" said The Green Goblin " trying to hurt me with my very own weapon?!" He laughed a maniacal laugh. " And who should you be? " said Spiderman "Santa's elf on steroids?" Spiderman shot a string of web and pulled the Goblins glider to the ground. He punched him in the stomach then kicked him in the face, followed by wrapping him in web. The Goblin broke out of the web and threw a bomb at Spiderman. " Catch me if you can!" said spiderman and starts swinging away. After a long chase to Chelsea, the green goblin shot a bomb and hit spiderman in the chest. Just when the bomb hit, the goblin was escaping. But the Goblin was a clever person. He threw numerous bombs at a abandon building. A kid was right under the building. " Choose Spiderman, save a kid or chase after me!" And he flew away. A huge piece of the wall was falling toward the kid. Spiderman webbed the wall just before it hit the kid. He picked up the kid and took her to safety . " thank you Spiderman!" The kid said " mommy says your a bad guy but I'll tell her that you are the best guy in the world. And under that mask, Spiderman was smiling.

Spiderman climbed a building and sat there looking at the city. He failed in stoping the Goblin, but saved a kids life. He knew Uncle Ben would of liked it better if he saved the kid. He needed a new suit, a suit that can stop villains like the Goblin. He sat and wondered about the suit. It was midnight, he needed sleep. He swung back to his house and went to bed, dreaming about his day.


"Are you sure this is safe doctor?"

" it's professor and no, it isn't.

" Are you sure we should test this?"

" now that I think of it, no let's not

" umm professor... Ahhh help!!!!!!"

" What's going on? Oh god!!!!! Somebody help me!!!!!

" Hiss!!!!"

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