She gets it

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Chelsea: I wake up on him and run my fingers through his hair. He kisses my cheek and pulls the blankets over or heads. I forgot to shut the blinds, whoops. "Come on I wanna do somethinggggg" I giggle and rubs his arm. He sits up and scratches his head. "What was that mr tummy? You wanna eat? Well, your the boss". I giggle and use him to sit myself up. I get up and walk to the pantry and squeal and jump up and down "Nutella!!!". He giggles and sat at the table and laid his head down. I smirked and grabbed the jar and put some on my finger and smeared it in his ear. He groaned and moves his head a bit. "". "Come on last night wasn't that bad was it?" I giggle and grab the bread. "N-never have I ever seen porn even go that hard......" he whimpered and giggles and hoped back into bed. I sighed and laughed. A made us both 2 Nutella sandwiches and sat on the bed next to Jeff and handed Jeff his sandwich. He pulled me down and kissed my cheek and ate slowly. "Hey, if you want we can go see a movie?" He said with a mouthful of Nutella sandwich.  I giggled and layers my head on ur shoulder. "Sure, orrrr....." I giggle and reach over for his knife. He grabs my hand and holds it up and tickles my waist. I squeal and wiggle around "n-oooo s-toopppp". I pull him to the floor and he kneels above me.

Jeff: I kneel over here and pin her arms back gently. I kiss her neck slowly and bite gently. "Or we can do something else....." I giggle. "Noo that's a night thing. Plus u only get it f u be a good boy "she smirks and I kisses my nose and got up. "Smarty pants" I tease and put on my hoodie and get my knife and walk out and she follows. She hops on my back and I hold her legs "where too?"  She rested her head on mine and pointed to a random direction. I start walking. She hums and I just giggle and walk. I'm so hungry geez. We get to a river and I put her down. I sit against a tree and she sits next to me "come on lazy" she teases. I giggle and pull her close. "Oh shh u". "Make me" she smiles innocently and I kiss her. She kisses back and u rests my head on ur shoulder. "Gahh too early for thisss" I giggle and hop up and she does the same. I walk out and fondle my knife and she walks my side. I wonder why she loves killing so much. Hehe it's so fun. We got to town and I give he some money for a pizza. "Be quick, my tummy said" i giggle and wait outside. "Oook oook" she giggles sarcastically. I watch her order and keep fondling my knife. Suddenly someone stands next to her and starts talking to her. He starts touching her arm. Fuck I'm so angry I wanna bold through that door and kill him. He then quickly touches her chest, but she just giggles. They slowly wander to the corridor leading to the toilets. I sneak in trying to be unseen and follow them. They walk in to the male toilets. They go into the cubical and I sneak in and put my ear to the door. She starts moaning. That......fucking slut! I go back outside but this time hiding behind a car. After a while hey come out and she takes the pizza and they both walk out except he walks in the opposite direction. I follow him as he walks. He is oblivious to what's going on as he is staring at his phone. He stops walking and I continue walking. I get close enough and slice open his neck and stab him in the chest and walk back to the caravan. God she is gonna get it.

Chelsea: hm. Where did he go? Maybe he went home again. I walk home nibbling the pizza here and there. I get their and I knock on the door and go in. He is on the couch sharpening his knife. "Hey can u help me with something" he asks and walks out of the caravan. I follow and he suddenly turns around and punches me in the face

Jeff: I handcuff her to a rusted car and fetch the petrol from under the caravan. I wait until she wakes up. She jumps but gets pulled back from the lack of handcuffs. She looks at me with terror. "W-what?! What the fuck?!" She screams. "Who was he" I say calmly. "Who was who?!" She yells trying to pull free. "The guy in the pizza shop" I say again a little louder. "Oh, he is just my fucking ex" she chokes on her tears. "You fucked him didnt u" I sit down in front of her. "What!!" She yells angrily "why the hell would I do that?!"  "I followed u two into the toilets and I heard u moaning with him. I even saw u in the crack of the door fucking him." She starts crying and falls to her side. I stand up and open the petrol can and pour a bit on her. Her cry turns to a trembling scream. "If it wasn't for my lack of care for u, I would kill u.  I wait until her cry turns to vouching and undoes her cuffs. She looks up with me with tears covering her eyes. I go to the caravan and pick up an infants body from earlier and lay in down in front of her. I pour petrol on the body and light it on fire and she jumps and her eyes widened. The petrol finally dies and the infants skin is nothing but black and and bubbly yellow. I throw the petrol can and go to the caravan and lock the door. I pace up and down the caravan. So much anger...I need to..let it out...I pull out my knife and look into the reflection. What a monster.....

Jeff the killer finds a girlfriend Where stories live. Discover now