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Chelsea: shit...I really fucked up...and all so I could get it on with my ex again. Grr u slut! I get up wobbling and shaking. I dare not go anywhere near that caravan. I circle it and try run to town, but my legs fail me and I just fall. I here a door swing open and slam shut. He walks to me, anger written all over his face. I flinch and prepare for it to end...but he just walks past. Fondling his knife out if his hoodie he mutters "by the time I get back you'd be gone" and keeps walking. I stumbled up and followed him from a distance. Even if I needed to leave I still had to go to town, whether he was going in the same direction or not. I'm not as shocked or frightened anymore, just disappointed, in myself. I open my legs for every guy I see. I reach town and walk in the opposite direction as Jeff. I have a list of guys who would throw me back onto the streets after a quick fuck, so I have nowhere to go. I sit on the park bench and stare at the ground. I need to do something. I reach into my pocket. Fuck! My knife!  Grr. Looks like I gotta work my way up. I look through the bin next to the bench and see a bottle. I break the end off. This will do...

Jeff: meh. Not to say I'm not upset. But this has happened a lot to me. It's just fact, a female will open her legs for anyone. I go for a walk among the houses, its bin night. So many bins, one after the other. Suddenly an idea came to mind. It's only midday, the preschool must be open. I run back home excited. I rush into the caravan and look for that pvc pipe. It's a small pvc pipe with two end pieces stuck on the ends and a fuse sticking out. I open it from one of the ends and look for my jar of gunpowder and my container of small metal balls. I fill the pipe with gunpowder and balls at an average ratio of 1:2 balls:gunpowder. I close it up and grab my lighter. I giggle to myself, what an afternoon. I walk over to the preschool in town. Today is a weekday so all their parents are busy working. I go up to the gates and whisper them over. Those stupid teachers are inside eating biscuits. They all wander over. I light the fuse and give it to one of them and tell them to huddle around it and sneak away. With a matter of seconds it blows and the sight of countless limbs being thrown everywhere makes me laugh to the point of not caring about being hidden. Not a child is left standing.  Gee, what a mess. Time I went home. Their is still the pizza she bought. I go back home and eat the pizza slowly

Chelsea: it's getting a bit late. People are starting to come home from work. I see a man in his garage fixing his car, his wife in and out cleaning the car. I roll up my dress and unbutton my top. I creep into the driveway and he sees me. I wink and pull up my dress. He jumps up and quickly comes closer. A screw driver Is in his hand. Bingo! "Wanna bang real quick?" I say licking my lips. "Sure!" He gasps. "Lemme just tell my wife I'm going for a drive". He turns around and I stab him into the throat and he drops the screw driver and clutches. His neck. I grab the screw driver and sprint away. I run into the bushes of someone's home. I stare at the screw driver. It's not the biggest, but is average and will do the job. I sit back and ponder, hmm. How can I up the anti from here. I got it! I'll get a gun from a cop. Those lazy cops are always banging innocent teens. Well thighs, time to work your magic again. I should wait until they arrive for this murder. Half hour passes and I can here the sirens from the police coming. They start spreading out and searching the area. Suddenly a cop comes straight in my direction. I hop out and Bend over near a bin pretending to go through it. He comes up behind me and grabs my ass. "And what is a cheeky girl doing poking around in others rubbish". I smirk and reply "what is a policeman doing grabbing a teens ass on duty?" He chuckles and slaps my cheek. I grab his arm and pulls him into the bushes. I pull off my panties and fling them at me "lay down over their". He smirks and does what I say. He pulls his trousers down and I pretend to gasp. I pull off his undies and sit on his cock. I slowly rid him and he thrusts his hips. I start to kiss him roughly. He closes his eyes and pushes his tongue into my mouth and I grab my screwdriver from before from my dress pocket and stab him in the neck as many times as possible. After a few stabs his neck overflows with blood and I continue to stab. He drops his hands and stops moving. I go back to his trousers and grab his gun from his belt. Hehe, what a level up. I jerk him off quickly and pull my panties on again and sit back. Hmm, I need a place to stay for tonight. I'll hide the gun at the junk pile at jeff's and go to one of my ex's for the night. I stand up and run for the caravan. I better not be caught. Tomorrow is gonna be an amazing day. I stand up and walk over. Theirs still a few hour of light left. I might as well find a place to stay as I walk go Jeff's. I go on my phone and post on snap chat I need a place to stay. After a few minutes I start receiving messages. Stupid horny guys. Hmm, this one seems close. I send him a text I'll be over soon and put it back in my pocket and walk to jeff's. I hide it under the seat in one of the old cars and see the caravan door open. I miss him so much....I slowly walk away and sob to myself. Jeff's arms were so comfortable and safe. I walk to his house and he invites me in. I go in and sneak into his room. I look into the mirror and sigh. He grabs my waist and kisses my neck. It felt good, but not as good as Jeff....I have to make this right. I gotta get thrown out of here on purpose. I turn around and say "hey. This will cost ya. Their were a good few guys today saying that they would pay for me". Pfft I'm not paying anything, I'm broke anyway". I turn my head and sigh "well, cya". I walk out of the house and run for Jeff's. I'm out of breathe but I don't care I need him. I stop and catch my breathe and think about what I have to say to him. I mean, I don't care what happens to me. I'm nothing without him. I walk over, the light is slowly fading away and the ground starts to darken. I get to the caravan and the light is on. I go up to the door and go to knock but I stop myself. What if it makes him upset....I knock and whimper. He opens the door and stares at me. I look away unable to stare into those black eyes. He says confused "What are y-" my eyes begin to water "because I missed u and I'm sorry for what I did and I need u and I can't stand being away from u and" I'm talking to quickly to even understand. He grabs me and pulls me into the caravan and hugs me tightly. I hug back and bury my face in his chest. "I'm sorry for what I did. I don't know why I even did it. I'm just a slut..." my eyes fill with tears. He sits on the couch and I stay where I am, terrified where I am. He pulls out a handgun and places it on the table. It's the same one I hid. "Where did u get this from" he says annoyed. I look down and quietly say "a policeman. "And how did u get this gun" he says standing up. I mumble "I fucked him and stabbed him in the neck with a screwdriver when he wasn't looking". He sighs and lays on the bed "geez she still won't stop". I sit on the couch and bury my face in my arms. I feel him sit next to me and wrap his arms around me. "Well, if it makes you feel any better this afternoon i got laid twice" he says proudly and rubs my arm. I giggle and say "yeah, well they weren't as good as this ass". He pins me down and tickles me "I don't knoww they were pretty good" I smile and rubs his back "well I bet they didn't do it for free did they". He doesn't answer and looks away ".....u-uhhhhhh". I giggle and hold his cheek "well this ass is all yours any time you want...if you still want me back...." I look away. He pulls my face towards his and kisses my cheek "of course I do sweetie. What would I do without you". I giggle and whisper "yeah, you'd run out of prostitute money after a week". He laughs and picks me up and falls on the bed. I lay on him and rub my head on his chest.

Jeff: "what do you wanna do now" she asks. "Well sex is off the table seeing that all this shit is because of it" I giggle and yawn. She holds my hand and kiss my cheek. "Goodnight cheeky" she mumbles and pulls the covers over us. I stroke her hair "goodnight baby".

Jeff the killer finds a girlfriend Where stories live. Discover now