Chapter Four

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The past few days Gerard has been fine. Today is Sunday though; the day of the funeral. I'm wondering how Gerard is going to react. I let out a soft sigh as Gerard comes down the stairs all dressed up in a suit. 

I get up off the couch and fix his tie. Ray is in Mikey's room reassuring him and helping him get his suit fixed. The funeral is at noon. It's 30 minutes till. Ray comes out with Mikey holding his hand.

"You ready?" I ask Gerard looking at him in the eyes. He nods and looks down. I lift his chin up and kiss him, "Hey, it's going to be ok." I promise then kiss him again.


We arrive right on time and enter the church. Ray is carrying Mikey and Gerard is by my side. We sit down while the preist starts talking. We all bow our heads at the very end and leave to go to the burial ceremony. 

When we arrive Gerard starts to shake his head and starts crying. I pull him to me and hug him. I rub his back as he crys into my shoulder. A few minutes later he stops crying but is still holding onto me. I kiss his head and he looks at me, "Thank you." I nod as he lets out a shakey breath.

We leave the burial ceremony and Ray drives us home. I'm sitting in the back while Mikey lays down with his head on my lap. I stroke his hair and he starts to fall asleep. By the time we arrive home, Mikey has fallen asleep on my lap. I pick him up and carry him inside. When I go to lay him down and clenches on me tightly and buries his face on my shirt.

"Mikey, it's time to go to bed ok?" I say. He mumbles something and then sighs. I kiss his forehead and lay him down. I tuck him into bed and leave the room. As I'm leaving the room, I head up stairs and go to Gerard. He's probably asleep I think to my self. I walk in and change into my pajamas.

I get by his side and cuddle him, laying my head on the crease of his neck. I whisper I love you to him and fall asleep.

The next morning I wake up with a sticky note on my face saying, "Went to work. I'll be back around 8. Love you baby, bye ~Gee"

I sigh and wake up realizing it's ten till twelve. I get up and go down stairs. Mikey has icecream all on his face and down his shirt. I laugh a little as he runs around the room. I stand in front of him and he bumps into me. He looks up at me, fear in his eyes. I smile and pick him up heading towards the bathroom. "Mikey, you need to take a bath. You're all dirty and sticky from the ice cream. It's disgusting."

He pouts as I run the bathtub water, putting bubbles in there and little toys to occupy him. Once the bath is filled up I turn around and Mikey isn't there. I go to his room and see his foot picking out from under the bed. I laugh and grab his foot, dragging him out. He screams and laughs. "Mikey, bathroom. Now"

He whines as I pick him up, slumping him over my shoulder.

When we get to the bathroom, I lock the door and turn away from him so he cab undress and get in.

"Ok, fwankie, I'm in now." he says, sounding sad that he's actually taking a bath. I, personally, think baths are relaxing. Just laying there in the warm water. It feels like your floating in mid air.

I laugh at my self and turn around and sit on the edge of the bathtub. I get a cup full of water and pour it on his hair. He hands me the Spiderman shampoo bottle. I pour most of it on his head and rub it in. I eventually finish cleaning him and dry him off.

About a couple hours later it's 15:26(3:26pm). Mikey has cooled down and is watching Finding Nemo in his room. I was in the living room watching some movie about a girl got visions just before that one thing happened. I wasn't really paying attention to the movie that much.

I heard a creak and some footsteps go on upstairs. It's probably just Mikey going through Gerard's stuff. I sighed and went to go turn off the tv in Mikey's room. But when I entered his room, Mikey was still watching tv. I slowly closed the door and got the baseball bat and headed up stairs. I opened Gerard's bedroom door and everything went silent. All I remember is being punched in the face before everything blacked out.

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