72.6 score--ROMANCE--Rainy Days--J

48 3 1

Rainy Days by J


From a beautiful illusion of love to the ugly truth of reality within the blink of an eye. Because sometimes your heart makes terrible decisions.

 Because sometimes your heart makes terrible decisions

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Penny Toris said: "I loved these poems! The ones in the beginning are so sweet and the ones at the end are so mean. This person's a really good writer. 88/100"

Sarah Hous said: "Oh, my gosh! The first worth-it read I've had in forever! I loved these! There was so much feeling in them. I feel like the author could really feel these emotions, and that's what allowed her to put them down on paper. She really makes me feel them too, and I love that! She's able to tell the reader so much without ever spelling it out. From the infatuated love to the frustrated anger, these were amazing. These ought to be in literature assignments. 95/100"

Tim Flecher said: "Guys, I'm not a romantic poetry fanatic in any respect whatsoever, but I did like "Better than the Sun." I think the author has a really good writing style (even though there wasn't any rhythm and very little rhyme) and he or she really does get the point across. This really isn't my type of thing, but I'll give this an 80/100 because I recognize these poems were good-quality."

Tanya Jackson said: "These are really dark. I kinda like the style. And the gifs at the top fit well, too. The words of these poems really make you think. This is a pretty darn good collection. 90/100"

Micky Dawdrill said: "Seriously, guys? Seriously?? I had to read romance poetry?? Tell me this will take off some of my purgatory. Honestly, now. 10/100. And you know I'd put a zero on it were it not for the fact that I'm such a nice guy."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2017 ⏰

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