Calls, Calls, Calls

14 1 4

I take out my phone and call Allison, filling her in on our brief hang out.

"So every time he wanted to tell you something, he got cut off?" Alli asks, shocked.

"Yeah. It sounds like some cheesy suspense movie but it's true."

"Why don't you just call him?" Then there was silence. "Lil?"

"Oh uh, sorry. I just don't want to bug him." It was true. I was dying to know what he wanted to tell me but bugging him would only show that I'm desperate.

"Right, right. You don't want to be annoying, got it. Well then I guess just wait until he texts you...or I could do a little investigation for you." I could literally feel Alli raising her eyebrows through the phone.

"Would you, please??" I make my puppy dog face and run to my window where I see her across the way. She laughs.

"Alright, alright. Send me his number and I'll work my magic."

"Alli thank you so much!! Love you, bye!"

"Uh huh. Bye."

I send her Matt's phone number and she immediately calls him. I watch her through the window. She has a smile on her face and she's giggling. I don't mind though, this is Alli's way of getting information. She flirts and acts like she likes them to get the juice. Works every time. As soon as she hangs up she looks at me with a smirk as my phone rings. I press "Accept" without looking at who it is.

"What did you find out?" I blurt out.

"Um what?" A boy replies. I pull the phone away from my ear to see that it's Matt I'm talking to, not Alli. Alli slaps her forehead and I give her an "Oops" look.

"Oh uh, sorry. I was talking to um, my brother. So uh, how are you?" I'm so awkward.

"I'm good, thanks. And you?"

"Never been better!" I give Alli a thumbs up. She's staring at me through the window. I grab my Walkie Talkie from my nightstand.

"That's good. I wanted to talk to you about something, and I'm really hoping you um, accept." His voice is a little shaky. I imagine his hands are clammy and he's swallowing hard.

I hold my Walkie Talkie in front of the window to show Alli. She nods and runs away from the window to find hers.

"Okay, shoot."

She comes back and we both turn them on. I put my phone on speaker and put the Walkie Talkie next to it.

"I wanted to know if you wanted to come with me to the Back To School Dance this Friday. You don't have to if you don't want to or if you're already going with somebody or maybe you're just going with your friends or maybe -"

"Matt." I cut off his nervous rant. I've never seen him so nervous before. He always seemed to be that guy that's cool under pressure.


"I'd love to." I run to the window where I see Alli and I mouth "Yes!!" and jump up and down.

"Okay, I'll see you there."

"Alright, bye." I hang up and immediately call Alli.

She picks up. "I'm taking you dress shopping tomorrow after school."

"This is going to be awesome!!" I squeal.

"Kidos, dinner's ready!" Mom calls.

"Alli I got to go. See you tomorrow."

"Okay. And trust me, I'll make sure you look perfect!"

"Alli, I already do. I'm kidding, bye."

(A/n: same lol jk)

I run down the stairs and sit at the table with my family.

"Why are you so happy?" Luke asks me. He narrows his eyes in my direction.

"Alli is taking me dress shopping tomorrow because I just got asked to the Back To School Dance." I pick up my glass and drink some water.

"Oh." My mom stretches out the word.

"By who?" Dad gives me a skeptical look. He raises his eyebrows.

"By Matt, the boy you met today."

"Hmm. Alright, I'll allow it."



HEY PEOPLE!! I have been super duper busy with school and life.

My bf and have been happily dating for over a year now and I couldn't ask for a better partner to go through life with :) (should I make a book about stories of us together??)

SM imagine book??

Love you guys :) thx for reading my crap

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