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Your POV


He plays Bruce Wayne on Gotham.

He looks into my eyes as he says the next line. I realize I'm staring and break eye contact to look at my script.

"This is a very dangerous area. You shouldn't be here." He says

"I'm all about dangerous..." I say looking back up into his eyes smirking.

~~~~~Time Pass~~~~~

The table read is finally over and it's time to do a rehearsal on set.

I take a quick break while everything is getting set up. They said that we should be ready and back in 30 min.

I walk up to the food table admiring the delicious selection of foods. 'This must be what it's like to be famous...'

I grab a plate and throw some food on it. I notice someone by me so I look over. (Instincts ya know?) It's David.

"Hi" He says noticing that I'm staring

"Oh, hey" I say as nonchalantly as possible. To me he seems a bit intimidating. Maybe it's because he's a TV star. But that means I am too. So why am I so nervous around him?

"It's nice seeing some new faces" He smiles

I blush. Wait. Why am I blushing? Stop.

"Haha yeah" I say as I take a bite of my food trying to hide my awkwardness.

We end up finding a seat in the lounge area talking and eating. We hit it off immediately. David is so funny and sweet and a bit weird and I love that. Hey who is not weird. I'm weird.

"Have you been assigned a dressing room yet?" A lady with a head set asks.

I look up from my conversation with David

"Um no. Not yet." I replied

"Ok y/n follow me" I say looking over to David giving him the look 'hey come on'

He shrugs and stands up following me.

We get to the dressing room and damn. The door has a plaque that says: y/n y/l/n Actress for Harleen Quinnzel

I feel so special. My heart feels like it's giggling and I probably look like a smiling maniac. I'm living my dream.

"Hey your room is right next to mine!" David says as he points to his room. His arm goes over my shoulder in a buddy like way and look at him and smile.

"Nice" I say as the lady gets a message over her walky-talky

"Ok kids. You gotta be on set in 5 minuets." She motions for us to leave.

~~~~~Time Pass~~~~~

The practice shoot is over.

Wow that was so weird. No one was in costume but still acted out their lines and it felt much more real and crazy to see the characters you watch not in costume.

By now it's 8pm so I text my mom telling her I'm just about done.

I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see David.

"Hey I'm heading to my dressing room and ours is the same way. Wanna come with?"

"Sure" I nod following him

I open up my dressing room door and it's better than I expected. The first thing that catches my eye is a chair with my name and character embroidered into it. I also notice a giant gift basket with my name on it and a black robe with my name. This is the life.

On the Set of Gotham: David Mazouz Where stories live. Discover now