Ch. 14 'straight?'

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Was it normal for a guy to kiss another guy in his neck if they were just friends?  I never really had any friends after Kacchan dumped me as a friend, and I didn't know Iida and Uraraka for too long. (I was also getting closer with Tsuyu by the way.) I didn't know too well what was normal and what wasn't.

"Are you going to stand still like that forever?" I snapped out of my thoughts. "N-no, no I-I was just about to ehm, s-sit on the couch." I said stuttering. With a really awkward walk I went to the couch and sat down. "You're such a pussy Deku." He said as he sat down next to me. He took my hand. "Does this make you feel uncomfortable?" He grinned. "N-no, n-not at all." It was so obvious how I felt. "Is that so?" He deepened his voice. "W-well m-maybe..." "Maybe what?" He got closer to me, slowly pushing me down on the couch. My whole face was red and my heartbeat was going really fast. Kacchan placed one of his legs in between mine, putting pressure on my penis. It was like I forgot how to talk.

Kacchan's face was so close to me I could feel his breath on my skin. He came closer and closer, until his lips touched mine. He kissed me. Was this really happening? A warm feeling spread throughout my body. I gave in and closed my eyes. It stayed like that for about 4 seconds.

"Just playin' with you." Kacchan said with a smirk on his face. He stood up from the couch and walked towards the kitchen. "You gave in so easily, you must really love me." He sounded so playful.

I was still laying on the couch with an increased heartbeat and a red face (maybe my whole body was red). My whole life I had thought I was straight, but if I really were, then why did what just happened feel so right? Was I really as straight as I thought?

I placed my hands in front of my face. Did Kacchan know that was my first kiss?

A fanfic; Deku x KacchanWhere stories live. Discover now