Ch. 30 'Winners and losers'

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Even before both Kacchan and I could make a move, Iida and Todoroki came running at me with high speed. Kacchan pushed me aside so that they didn't hit me (they also didn't hit Kacchan, luckily). Why were they aiming at me?

Todoroki was already using his ice, again aiming his attack on me. This time I was able to dodge him myself, but right after I dodged Iida was almost able to hit me. Almost, because I blocked him by using my quirk. All my fingers on my left hand now were broken. I didn't have any time to rest because Todoroki and Iida kept on with attacking me.

"Why the fuck are you aiming at him?! I'm the one you should fight! You think I'm weak?!"
That's when I realised that exactly was the reason they were aiming for me. Because I was weak. All they had to do was making me loose consciousness and they'd win. That was way easier than to fight both of us, since it would be hard to defeat Kacchan.

Kacchan was furious and tried to fight Todoroki, but Todoroki didn't attack him because he was too focused on attacking me.
I didn't notice Iida was getting behind me and I received another hit. I fell to the ground and supported myself with my right arm. When I got up I saw Todoroki was preparing himself for a huge attack.

A huge wall of ice was coming in my direction. I blocked Todoroki's attack by using the power my whole right arm. Broken. I had nothing left to fight with, and Todoroki and Iida weren't harmed at all.
When Kacchan saw me, he got even angrier. I wanted to tell him I was sorry, but there was no time for such thing.

Kacchan used his full power at Iida. He finally did him damage!
When I looked away from Iida I saw Todoroki was preparing the same attack as he did a few moments ago. I couldn't get away, I couldn't block it either. This was the end. They were going to knock me out and...

Kacchan jumped in front of me to block the attack with his explosions. I then saw his hands going into his pockets. He was taking out the white flag. Wait. The white flag? The flag he told me not to show? Did Kacchan surrender?

The last signal went off.

"It's over now." Kacchan said. He turned around and awkwardly smiled at me.

A fanfic; Deku x KacchanWhere stories live. Discover now