Ch. 38 'Texting' (2)

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Warning: this is an R-rated chapter

I stared at my screen for, what felt like forever. Was it okay to send him a message? I doubted for a little longer, but came to the conclusion I was going for it.

Deku: Hey, Kacchan!

I waited and saw it didn't take long before the 'read' icon appeared. After that Kacchan almost instantly replied to me.

Kacchan: Hey, nerd.
Deku: How are you doing?
Kacchan: Nothing much, just being my awesome self. You?
Deku: I'm not really up to anything except for texting you.
Kacchan: Are you already missing me?
Deku: I am...
Kacchan: I'd miss me too if I were you.
Kacchan: How was dinner?
Deku: It was really good! And yours?
Kacchan: It was fine.
Deku: I'm glad to hear that!
Kacchan: Ah, I have to go now. I'll be back in a few hours.
Deku: But if it's too late I might already be asleep..
Kacchan: Just wait until I'm back.
Deku: Alright, I'll wait for you!

Our conversation was super short, but at least Kacchan said he'd be back later this evening. It made me happy, because it meant he didn't mind chatting with me.
Time went by and before I knew it had already been 11pm. I layed down in bed and tried not to fall asleep. I watched some videos on youtube until I finally got a message from Kaccan again. It was a photo.

When I opened the photo, I immediately felt my head getting warm again. (It was a photo of Kacchan holding up his shirt to show me his sixpack.)

Kacchan: You like the photo I just sent?
Deku: I do, a lot.
Kacchan: Good. Even though I already thought so, of course.
Deku: I'm glad you're back now.
Kacchan: It must be hell for you without me.
Deku: I do really miss you..
Kacchan: I also wouldn't mind if you were here with me right now.
Deku: Really?
Kacchan: Of course. How would I not want to after we practiced so well together today?
Deku: I don't really know what to say to this...
Kacchan: Maybe that you enjoyed it yourself too? That you're looking forward to your exams?
Deku: I liked it...

At this point I was starting to get red a lot.

Kacchan: Now in more detail.
Deku: But that's embarrassing!
Kacchan: I don't care if you think it's embarrassing.
Deku: Ok, I will tell you..
Deku: It felt really good.. Good as in, I wish we could've gone further than just that. I wanted to please you. it turned me on so much. Even when I think about it now I'm feeling turned on...
Kacchan: Next time we're alone together I'll make sure we'll go as far as we can. I'll make you please me.
Deku: But, what if next time we're alone together is at some public place?
Kacchan: Dôh, can't you read? I'll make it sure.

I felt so embarrassed for feeling so turned on right now. Right now all I could think about was being together with Kacchan and doing everything to please him.

Deku: I kind of wish that it was right now...
Kacchan: If you were here right now I wouldn't be able to go easy on you like I did today.
Deku: I wouldn't mind...

It was quiet for a second. I didn't know what to say, and I suppose Kacchan didn't know either.

Kacchan: I know what I'm going to do now. See ya tomorrow, nerd.
Deku: See you tomorrow.

I think Kacchan's night ended the same way mine did: with right-handed skills.

A fanfic; Deku x KacchanWhere stories live. Discover now