Harsh truths for the signs

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Aries: the world still turns whether you choose to be happy or sad.

Taurus: the people you envy got there by hard work, luck, or genes.

Gemini: it doesn't matter how much you talk if you're not saying anything special no one will listen.

Cancer: nobody cares if you're broken, if you don't try to fix yourself it's never praised. Effort is praised.

Leo: your heart still beats even when it's broken.

Virgo: your self pity doesn't solve your problems.

Libra: love isn't special, it's the people who make their own love personal and unique.

Scorpio: jealousy makes you toxic towards the person you care for.

Sagittarius: home isn't a building or a place, it's a feeling.

Capricorn: no one will hear you if you never speak up.

Aquarius: the only person you should try to be better than is your past self.

Pisces: dreams require effort, effort requires work.

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