When You Kiss This Sign...

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Aries: Don't hold back. Give them everything you got and they'll give it back.

Taurus: Start slowly and work to their tempo. Let them lead in this dance they know all too well.

Gemini: Give them a taste and then pull back. Make them work for it.

Cancer: Kiss every inch of them. Physically show them how much you love every part of them.

Leo: Go with what they do and show them you can do just as good, if not better.

Virgo: Start with playful pecks until they can no longer contained themselves. Have them beg for it.

Libra: Use your hands. Hold their face, waist, etc. Make it so intimate they'll never want to stop.

Scorpio: Don't be afraid to use teeth. This a will be a place where pain and pleasure collide. Where fear will be dispelled. And where courage will be tested.

Sagittarius: Let out little moans to let them when they're doing it right. They'll instinctively know to keep it up.

Capricorn: Set a mood for it. Atmosphere is everything and if it's all right, you'll leave them breathless.

Aquarius: Kiss them with all the passion you've ever felt. Kiss them with all the passion you'll ever feel. Give all of it to them. They can handle it.

Pisces: Start it with an emotion expressed in your face. A smile. Tearful eyes. Frustration. Let them know what they're about to get themselves into and be amazed at how well they match your intensity.


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