What the signs do that annoys people

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aries; talk too loud and too much

taurus; making a joke out of eVERYTHING ( everything isnt that funny bITch)

gemini; finds a reason to debate with someone on something all the time for no apparent reason

cancer; take their moodiness out on someone else

leo; think they're right 24/7 (exactly why I can't along w leos lmao)

virgo; them over analyzing shit

libra; flirting w everybody / being way too friendly

scorpio; being overly aggressive or possessive over something or someone

sagittarius; being too blunt

capricorn; their stubbornness ( don't argue w a cap even if they're wrong they'll keep going until you back down)

aquarius; how confusing, distant and cold they are

pisces; being such an air head

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