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// Draco //


The most beautiful yet disgusting thing that exists.

Hermione lay exhausted on the hospital bed, her face shining with sweat, eyes 3/4 of the way shut, and her hair fanned out in waves on the pillow behind her head. Yet she looked radiant.

Her lips turned up in an easy smile and her eyes stared adoringly at the newborn boy cradled in her arms.

I pressed my lips to her forehead and her eyes momentarily shifted to mine. "Do you want to hold him?" She asked, blinking several times to try and keep her eyes open. I smiled at her and took Scorpius, my son, my beautiful son in my arms and held him to my chest.

"Hermione, I've got him. You sleep." She sighed but closed her eyes as soon as she made absolute sure that he was in no harm and fell fast asleep, her left hand still interlocked with mine.

I smiled down at the two of them. They meant everything to me. My wife, my son, I would throw myself at anything to avoid them from being hurt or killed.

I studied my son's appearance. His hair was a bleach blonde identical to my hair.  He had his mother's eyes, though, warm chocolate brown eyes.

I glanced back at Hermione and thought about our roller coaster of a relationship. Coincidently or not there was just discovered an unregistered animagus. It was a lady bug. Weird. Also, ironically enough, Reeta Skeeter has retired from her job as the author of the Daily prophet. Some say it's because she's getting old, and some others say it's because she's sentenced to five years in Azkaban. But, you know, whichever sounds the best.


A groan from the human next to me told me it was time to get up. I squinted out of my right eye to see Hermione's silhouette flipping around restlessly under the covers.

"'Mione." I groaned. She huffed, "Whaat?" I smirked at her pouting face, "You gotta get up." She squinted out of her eyes and when her eyes adjusted she glared at me, "Why don't you have to get up."

I smirked, "Because it's my week to take Scorpius to school." A string of curse words escaped her mouth as she twisted and turned, throwing the covers off her body and standing up. "Language." I said, though my voice was muffled through the pillow. I felt something hit my head I frowned up at her and was about to send a remark her way but was interrupted by my son's cries.

"Mummy! Daddy! Help!" I threw the covers off my body so quick I'm pretty sure I ripped some. Hermione's eyes tripled in size and she sprinted to the door next door as I followed.

Scorpius was floating six feet above his bed... upside down. "Scorp, how did you get up there?" I asked as Hermione fished in her pocket for her wand. He shrugged, which looked weird when he was upside down. "Hold on, sweetheart." She said, using a non verbal wingardrium leviosa spell and slowly lifted him to his bed.

As soon as he was set down on his bed it was silent. Until his lips broke into a brilliant grin and he laughed, "I'm a wizard!"

And so, the magical journey begins once again...

- - -

My amazing reader, thank you so much for reading the sequel to She's Mine. I hope you enjoyed this book and if you'd like to read some more of my books go right ahead.

Love you all thank you for reading!

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