District 1 Female: Odette Oleander (@AnderaGNovak) *DEAD*

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Name: Odette Oleander

Age: 16

District: One

Appearance: Standing at 5"7, Odette isn't the most intimidating of people. She is pretty, with iron straight hair, falling to her shoulders, and layered bangs that just skim the top of her long lashes. Odette's eyes are hazel, although often appear more green than brown. Her face is narrow, and angular, giving her a slight elfish appearance. Odette's face is pale, and while she has no freckles to speak of, her arms and hands are criss-crossed with scars from training. She is skinny, and not very developed, although has slight curves. While Odette is pretty, she is considered to have a childish beauty.

Personality: Odette has a strong outer shell, one she uses to not let others see into her heart, where she is quite shy and afraid of the world around her. She is hard worker, not giving up on the things she wants without a fight. Odette is a kind girl, however enjoys the power she holds when she wields her sword. As much as Odette denies it to herself, she likes being mean and sarcastic to people as she likes being kind and thoughtful. It is thought that Odette is slightly bipolar, due to the fact that her mood changes so quickly from one to the other. However, this has lessened as she has grown older, as Odette doesn't like the feeling of not having control.

History: When Odette was born, she was a very average girl. However, when her mother died giving birth to Odette's younger sister; Rosalinda. Odette- only 5 at the time- quickly learned what it was like to take care of a child, as her father began working longer and more as a goldsmith. After her mothers death, they lost the income they had been receiving from her being a Victor. Odette's family lost much of their wealth, however, when Odette was 10, and she was able to begin training and apprenticing, their family was able to use the steady income to create a comfortable life for themselves. While it isn't as much as most others in One, Odette just ignores the taunts, because she knows she has more than those others could ever imagine.

Weapon of Choice: A katana

Strengths: Her swordsmanship. Her flexibility. Her strength.

Weaknesses: She is claustrophobic. She can't stand those she loves being hurt. She has arachnophobia (afraid of spiders). Her emotions.

Most Important Family Member/ Friend: The most important person in Odette's life would have to be her father, who always pushed her to be her very best, and prove those who doubted her wrong.

Token: A silver charm bracelet her father made her mother before they were married. He gave it to Odette when she was reaped so she would know that both him and her mother were there beside her; helping her.

Writer Games: Never Forgive, Never ForgetWhere stories live. Discover now