2 A Call to Remember

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Pidge and Lance stepped onto the bridge, laughing there heads off. They had ran into each other-literally-both with the same thing in there minds. Lotor's mega weapon looks like the Death Star from Star Wars.

"Just imagine the debt Zarkon is in now!" Pidge basically yelled at Lance. "All that iron basically wasted on something that could easily have been smaller and would have been much easier to transport around the universe."

"Yeah, and if they have used the same design as the Second Death Star there would be a big enough gap to fit a whole lion in." Lance replied.

Hunk and Shiro were shaking there heads whilst Keith, Allura and Coran looked at them in complete confusion. (A/N I feel like Keith wouldn't of watched Star Wars so he is also confused)

Coran coughed "Uh, Lance, Pidge, What is this"Death Star"?"

They both answered at the same moment "Just a super weapon, capible of destroying planets".

"How have you never not heard either of us joking to each other about the galra making a "Death Star" " Lance said laughing. "and Keith how have you not seen any of the movies, read any of the books, or seen the thousands of memes?"

Keith just shrugged. Pidge looked at Shiro as if it was him responsible for Keith not knowing anything about Star Wars. "Keep me out of this." Was Shiro's reply.

Pidge moved her eyes from Shiro to look at Allura and Coran who were frozen in disbelief. "Why are you so calm about this?" Coran asked.

"Yeah" Allura said seemingly finally getting a grip on what was happening. "A weapen that destoys planets, and your laughing about it?" Allura seemed like she was trying to be angry but she was obviously too shocked to show any other emotions. Pidge and Lance were laughing harder, hunk joining in as well. They all couldn't believe what was happening.

Shiro some how stayed calm through the whole conversation. Which Pidge thought was incredible.

Coran shook his head not completely over the fact that a moon sized sphere had lifted ubove the planet. "Okay." He went to his station on the bridge. He looked down at his screen for a second before speaking, "Um, Paladins, we have a call"

They all instantly snapped out of either shock or laughter.

"Who is it Coran" Allura said calmer then expected.

"I don't know, they're hiding their identity details" Unlike Allura they was still obvious shock in Corans voice.

"Ok, answer it" Allura said shocking everyone. She looked around then continued with "It might be a destress call from a planet trying to keep hidden from the Galra-" Pidge interupted her

"Or it could be Lotor trying to strike a bargain" Pidge announced. Everyone nodded seeing that that was the more likely outcome, even if they wished not. Either way, There was no more time for discussion before they were connected to, guess who?

"Lotor" They all said synchronised.

"Hey there Paladins" The way he said "paladins" sent shivers down Pidge's spine. "I would like to make a deal".

Pidge wasn't happy that she ended up being right. She wished that it was a planet in destress instead of Lotor. She knew it was a bad thing to wish for but anything is better then this man, if you could even call him that.

"What is it?" Allura asked. Anger all over her face.

"It's simple really. If you give me the blue paladin then I won't destroy this solar system with my brand new Mega weapon"

They all looked at each other before Allura spoke up again. "You've got to be kidding"

"Now why would I lie to such a pretty face like yours" Pidge could hear a growl come from Shiro.
"hmm, I'll give you three days to make a choice, your blue paladin or this solar system, your choice" He gave a small but smug smile before ending the call, leaving all the paladins in shock.

"What do we do?" Pidge asked.

Pidge looked over to Hunk, she could see the panick breaking through. "We can't let the system be destroyed but we also can't lose you, Allura. What do we do? What. Do. We. Do?!"

"Everything will be ok,
we'll think of something" Shiro reassured but it was obvious that he was panicking as well.

Pidge looked over to Keith who seemed to be much calmer then the rest, untill he slammed his fist into the wall, shaking the whole ship.

Pidge then looked next to her to see Lance thinking, actually thinking, before walking off. She got a bad feeling Lance was about to do something stupid.


Hey, yall. I'm sorry this took so long, more then a couple of months. I kind of lost inspiration then school started up again. I also ended up changing the prospective of this whole chapter, it was originally still going to be from Lotor's, but I changed it to Pidge because I wanted to add in the Death Star part. Anyway we're getting closer to the Langst, woooo. I have no idea when the next one will come out it all depends on what I do. So have a great Chrismas, and a happy new year.

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