Chapter 13

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"Well they're in custody, but they haven't been booked. Yeah I understand that but.. I have to call you back." Mr. Hastings sees Jason walking down the hall, looking angry and worried, but when Jason sees him he almost rolls his eyes. "What the hell are you doing here?" Mr. Hastings pushes Jason back when he tries to pass to see Aria.

"Don't." Jason says, moving away and trying to look past the man.

"You need to stay away from this."

"I think my sister would want me here." Jason taunts.

"Look, this isn't just about me. It's about you too."

"I didn't kill Ali."

"I never thought you did." Jason looks at him with a look of suspicion. "Jason I have watched you grow up, I've seen what you've been through, and I was honest with you last night because I thought it would help."

"You were honest because I didn't give you a choice. Why do you think I bought that house, huh? Ali wasn't the only one that knew how to get the truth out of people." Jason looks over Mr. Hastings shoulder at Mrs. Hastings talking to a police officer. "Does she know?"

"No, and she is not going to find out tonight. You need to leave."

"I'm not here for your family, I'm here for Aria. Now move." Mr. Hastings hesitates, so Jason pushes past him and walks up to Ella to figure out what's going on.


"Aria?" I hear Jason frantically ask over the phone.

"It's me, I'm home." I breathe out in relief, just happy that he was willing to answer the phone

"They let you go?"

"They had no evidence except that we had touched the shovel. They want to get us, but they have no proof." The line is quiet on the other end. "Jason, I didn't hurt Ali. We found the shovel-"

"You don't need to explain it to me, Aria, I trust you. I know you didn't kill my sister and you know I didn't." Jason reassures me. "What do you have to do?"

"Spencer's dad managed to get us only a month of community service, nothing over night and no bail to be paid." I explain.

"That's good." The line goes silent for a few breaths. "I have to go down to my grandmother's house this month."

"What, why?"

"My mom doesn't like to let it sit, but she won't sell it either, so I'm going to help her clean it up."

"The whole month?" I almost whine.

"I leave tomorrow."

"Do you have to go this month?" I know I sound selfish, but I need him right now.

"I need to get away right now, Aria. This thing between the Hastings and I is effecting me more than I wanted it to."

"What thing" Jason doesn't reply, staying silent. "Can I at least see you before you leave?"

"I want to see you too, but your parents aren't going to want me over at 11 at night."

"Then I'll be right over."

I hang up the phone before he can tell me no, grabbing my purse and shoes, and opening my window. My parents are already asleep and Mike won't say anything if he hears me. I make it to the ground and start jogging towards Jason's house, but before I reach the end of my block, he pulls up in his car and gets out. I rush over to him when I see him and throw my arms around his neck, pulling myself up so I can burry my head in his neck and breathe in his scent.

"Please don't leave," I whisper.

"Aria, I need a break from this town and the people in it that all seem to want something from me. First Garett and Jenna, then Peter." Jason shook his head while I pulled away.

"What did Garett and Jenna want?" Thousands of answers were going through my head and Jason could tell.

"Garett and I were in a club together back in high school and he wanted to talk about it the other night. He really just wanted to get me drunk and discuss the night Ali went missing, he tried to give me beer to but I made him drink it."

"Why would Garett want to discuss that night with you drunk?"

"Maybe he saw me and wants to know if I remember what he was doing, I don't know."

I think over that for a moment, then look back at Jason. "What about Mr. Hastings?"

"Aria, I want to get away so I don't have to talk about all of this, I need a break. If I could I would take you with me and tell you everything, but I can't."

"Why can't you tell me? Because I'm friends with Spencer?" I inquire and see its true when he makes a face. "I respect my friend's secrets, Jason, I'm not Ali who would hold it over your head. I want to help you through this."

My arms are still wrapped around his neck and his on my waist, but he lifts one of his hands and gently places it on the side of my face. "I want to tell you but-"

"Then tell me, Jason." I step back and take the hand that was on my face.

"It's complicated."

"I know."

Jason sighs, and looks around the road. "Let's go in my car," He continues to hold my hand and opens the door for me, then walks around to his side. "You can't tell Spencer, Aria, don't even tell her that you found out." I nod, taking his hand again because the car light makes Jason look paler than usual.

"I found letters between my mom and Peter in the box of Ali's things I gave you. I didn't tell you because I didn't know what they meant then. They were love letters. I don't know how Ali got a hold of them, but in the box was money also. I think Ali used what she figured out to get money from Peter Hastings, money to shut her up."

"What did she find out?" I whisper.

"Peter had an affair with my mom, while my mom was engaged to my dad and after Melissa was born," Jason doesn't say any more, just stares at me as I put the pieces together.

"Mr. Hastings is your father," I gasp. Jason nods, his features distraught. "I'm so sorry, Jason." I whisper, taking his other hand and moving closer to him.

"None of the other Hastings know, and my dad doesn't either." He leans his head back against the window. "Uh! I just wish this town would stop with the lying and secrets and let people choose how they want to deal with the truth."

"I know." Jason looks back at me. "I understand why you're leaving, I would too, I just wish I could go with you and help you through this."

"Just be here when I get back."

"I will," I whisper causing Jason to smile.

"You should probably get back, you need some sleep after today."

"I guess." We both get out of the car and Jason walks me to my front door. "My parents should be sound asleep now."

"I'll see you after community service."

"Yeah," we're both stalling, not wanting to be away from each other for a whole month. "Be safe okay?"

"I'll call you when I get down there," I nod, trying to come up with something else to say which makes Jason chuckle. "Good night, Aria." Jason leans forward and kisses me on the cheek, smiling at my shocked expression, before jogging back to his car.

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