Chapter 16

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"Hey," Caleb says as I walk in behind him, I turn to the piano to see who is playing and feel a shiver go down my spine as I see Jenna playing. "Did you know she was going to be in this group?"

"No. If I did I would have given myself a fever this morning," I tell him, we move into the room to find a seat, and I'm suddenly thankful that Hannah chose a boyfriend that wasn't scared of anyone.

I get on my phone to check for any text messages from Jason, we hadn't talked since lunch, but we were both too stubborn to text the other one first. Caleb leans back in his chair and gets comfortable, crossing his arms and looking around the room to assess who we'll be staying with the rest of the night until we go to sleep. He was letting of the boy vibe of 'don't mess with me, or the girl I talk to or else,' to which I was thankful for. No one seemed to look at us or Jenna, but the three of us looked at each other a lot.

I was still on my phone texting Mike when Mrs. Hastings walks in, followed by Jason who looked smug until he saw me. "You've got to be kidding me." Jason smiles and nods at me, but I just turn and talk to Caleb.

"What you know that guy?"

"Yeah. It's Alison's brother, and my -friend." Caleb gives me a look that he's given to all four of us whenever he calls bullshit.


"It's complicated, really complicated." I watch Jason stand in the corner of the room and gather materials. "We might be more, but we also fought today about - something big, and we haven't talked since."

Caleb chuckles. "One fight doesn't ruin relationships, Aria, especially if their new ones."

I look between Jenna and Jason and shake my head. "I can't do this." I move to get out of my chair but Caleb pushes me back down, I give him a look when I fall back down on my chair hard and glance back up to see Jason staring down Caleb.

"I don't think you have a choice, Aria." Caleb reminds me, he looks over to Jenna and I follow his stare then look at him when he talks again. "Besides, with everyone spilling their guts today, some of us might have a lot to say. I know I do." He leans back in his chair, his arms crossed, and we both watch Jenna.

A few minutes later we still hadn't started an activity and my phone goes off. Everyone looks at me, Caleb chuckling next to me. I bend down and grab my phone, saying sorry to Spencer's mom and glancing at Jason to see if he has his phone out. I look at the message take in a deep breath. "Truth hurts sweetie, May hurt your new pal more than you -A." I look up at Jenna, thinking she was typing something in her purse, but she pulls out a pack of gum and no one else has their phone. A is everywhere.

Mrs. Hastings stands up and begins explaining the activity we were doing. It was simple and obviously didn't have much thought to it because if we were going to spill our secrets, we weren't going to write it down on something that you only needed a black light to read it with, people had backlight apps on their phones now.

"Jenna if you need any help, I can-"

"No thank you, I'll pass." Jenna interrupts, Caleb sits up in his chair and Jason raises an eyebrow.

"I'm afraid that's not an option. If you prefer Jason or if there is someone else you trust-" Jenna interrupts Mrs. Hastings again, causing Jason to stand up, Caleb and I just roll our eyes at her words.

"I don't trust anyone around here."

"Okay," Mrs. Hastings says, trying to figure out how to handle this blind girl. "Well, keep in mind that this day is about opening up to new possibilities and you'll be expected to-"

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