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Max walked down the sidewalk that lead him to home. It was a cold night. The sky was a dark blue and stars decorated it. It almost seemed fake.

Max just finished his shift at the restaurant. Today was one of those bad days. And while most days are bad, this one was an exception.

He almost got fired for something so stupid. Switching up a costumer's order. His boyfriend got mad at him this morning because he claims Max doesn't spend much of his time with his lover, and he got coke spilled all over his uniform. Just great.

Max could murder someone and not feel an ounce of regret to be honest.

Max sighed. He was majorly pissed. What could make his day worse?

"Well well well! If it isn't Mr. Maxwell salty pants!" A familiar voice called out in a mocking tone.


Max turned his head to face him. Oh boy. Nurf, the bully of Camp Cambell. Max thought he'd seen the last of him.

Not yet.

"Watcha want?" Max responded, his voice filled with bitterness. Great, his day just got worse. Thank the universe. It truly wants Max to suffer so it seems.

Nurf laughed and walked up to the smaller man. Max watched as Nurf's fist came into contact with his face. Max fell right on his back. Hissing in pain as he collided with the cement. He closed his eyes as Nurf screamed insults and beat the Indian boy into a pulp. Max cried out, but no one heard.

Since he was alone.

And it would stay like that.

He snapped. Max couldn't take it, he wouldn't take it. Max already went through this at his own home, thanks to his poor excuses of parents.

He punched back.

He punched Nurf and fought with all his might.

The tables had turned. Max kicked Nurf in the stomach until crimson spilled out of his mouth. Max couldn't care less. All he could see was red. His anger and emotions took over and controlled him. He was no longer himself.

Max punched Nurf's face repeatedly. Max was enraged.

Nurf deserved it.

And after all, Max was enjoying it.

Soon, Max noticed Nurf stopped moving. Max froze. He was paralyzed. His breathing became hitched and tears spilled down his cheeks. He looked down at his hands.

They were covered in blood, Nurf's blood.

Max was shaking. He rapidly put his ear next to Nurf's chest to check his heartbeat.

He HAD to be alive!

Max wasn't a murderer, he couldn't!

Nothing, he heard nothing.

Max panicked as he stood up and backed away from the lifeless body. Pale. Beads of sweat forming on his forehead. He muttered curses under his breath.

"No, no no no!! Nurf! No you can't be dead! Please! No! I-I'm..." Max trailed off as his voice cracked. Now he had two options. Either go to Jail for second degree murder. Or do what he was best at, lying. He felt guilty, but he couldn't spend his life, or thirty to forty years in jail! What would he be known for? What would Preston think of him?

Max took in a shaky breath and pulled up the hoodie of his blue jacket. He ran as fast as he could to his tiny, somewhat comfy apartment. Making sure to watch out for witnesses. Some how, he got home without a single soul knowing. Must be a miracle.

Max made sure to take a good bath, and erase any evidence from existence. He took the bloodied clothes and burnt them in the fireplace. He couldn't think of anything other than Nurf.

I mean, he did kill him after all.

He murdered a man, with his own hands. He took away someone's life, he was a killer, a murderer!

Have I mentioned he murdered Nurf?

He went to sleep. He couldn't though. It wasn't possible. How the hell do you go to sleep after you committed a murder?

Once his boyfriend came, it was even more awful.

But he made this decision, and he was going to pay for it.

However, a part of Max, hidden deep inside of him, locked in that complex mind of him.....enjoyed it.

And that part hoped to do it again.



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