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The next week, the murders were all around the news.

Everyone was talking about the families, the area it happened in, the suspects.

And Max was one of them.

The police went to his home two days after the murder. He was going to be questioned today. He was taking the polygraph test. Nervous was an understatement. It was nerve-racking. He desperately tried to calm down, but how do you calm down when Police question you for a murder you did but you won't admit to it?

You can't. And that's what terrified Max the most. But he's just gonna have to try his best. And fail miserably.

Max was currently getting dressed, pulling on his signature blue hoodie. Preston rambling about how the police was stupid, idiotic, and how an "angel" like Max would never kill anyone.

Max just wanted to end his life right then and there.

"I just, I mean..They have no evidence you killed either of them! Other than you knowing them from Camp! That's it!" Preston whined. Max sighed and put his hands on the taller man's shoulders. Preston looked at Max's aqua blue eyes.

"Babe, look. I'll be fine. They have no evidence that I did anything. I did not do it. But please calm down! You're not even taking It and you're way more freaked out then I am!" Max explained. Preston sighed and looked down.

"I-I'm sorry Max. I just, I can't believe they'd think you would do something so horrible!" Preston protested. Max felt as if a bucket of guilt and shame had been poured on him. But he held his ground.

"Well it's their problem. Not ours." Max gave Preston a quick kiss before walking to the door.

"Stay safe love!" Preston called out before Max closed the door, not looking back.


"Max?" a familiar voice asked. Max turned his head to the left. Spotting the one and only.


"H-Harrison?" Max stammered. Okay, what's the deal with him meeting Campers back from Campbell? This is now getting weird.

"H-Hey! H-How are you?" Harrison asked the shorter Indian boy. Something about Harrison seemed...wrong. Then again, everything at this moment is. Max was at the police station, about to be questioned, about to take the polygraph test. And now Harrison shows up.

"Um, I'm okay, you?" Max questioned. Harrison gave a nervous chuckle.

"I, I'm not too great to be honest. I'm getting questioned because Ered was, you know? Murdered. A-And I'm her roommate, or...was." Harrison answered, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. Poor boy, was getting in trouble for something he never would dare to do.

"Oh um, same. But hey, I'm sure they'll catch them soon." Max comforted. Although he desperately wanted to bolt out of the room. He couldn't. He didn't want to look suspicious. He can't risk it.

"Thanks. I-It feels comforting to have someone at my side." Harrison replied weakly, his voice breaking a bit. Max noticed every single thing about his behavior. But couldn't care less.

"Maxwell? Please come here." Someone asked. Max cringed at the mention of his whole name, but walked the direction he was told to, leaving Harrison on his own. Max walked into a grey room, a window on the wall to his left, a single lightbulb lightning the whole room in the ceiling, and a table stood in the middle of it all. Two chairs, each at the other ends of the table. It almost seemed cliché.

"Please take a seat. My name is Jennifer Skyler, as you know, I'll be asking you questions based on the murders of Meredith Morgan, and Nurf Jefferson. Clear?" She asked, making sure Max took everything in.

"Crystal." He added as he pulled the chair on the opposite end Jennifer was sitting at. Max stared at the machine as Jennifer strapped cables and such around him. This is just the start. Jennifer sat down and set up the machine and started taking notes. She cleared her throat.

"Okay, Max. You work at Oliver Garden correct?" Jennifer began. Max nodded his head. Trying to control his breathing.

"Meredith, or Ered as you most commonly know her, worked here as well. Right?"

Max nodded again.

"Were you working the night of her murder?" She questioned once again. Max's boredom was starting to take place.

"Yes, but I left early because I was sick." He answered. Hoping that the machine didn't detect the lie. It was just something that took heart rate, breathing, pulse, and more. The truth isn't something that can be found easily.

"Great, okay. What sickness were you experiencing?" Says Jennifer.

"Allergies." Max coldly answered.

"Last question. Did you kill Meredith Morgan?" Jennifer had a stern tone. Max was almost terrified. He looked at her longer than he should've.

"No ma'am, I did not kill Ered."

This went on for another hour. Max was impatient. But all he could do was answer, stay calm, and sit in this god-forbidden chair.

He was then free to go, Jennifer let him know she's going to either call or send a letter for the results.

Ha, how easily people are fooled is truly a knee slapper.


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