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In a slight daze, Taehyung's eyes follow the strange boy as he leaves the track

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In a slight daze, Taehyung's eyes follow the strange boy as he leaves the track. Jungkook doesn't acknowledge the many people who crowd around him, cheering and congratulating him on his win.

Taehyung shrugs the boy off as he turns back to his friends, the two in each other's embrace as Jimin loudly cheers for a blushing Yoongi. He walks towards them with a smile.

"Congrats Yoongi", Taehyung says to his friend. Jimin continues to grin at his boyfriend's achievement.

"My baby killed it."

Yoongi shyly chuckles before thanking Taehyung and Jimin.

"Hey Tae, how are you getting home?"

Taehyung sighs in response as he realizes he took the bus to the track not wanting to pay a parking fee. "The bus if it's still in service. If not, I'll take an uber."

Jimin, gripping Yoongi from the back of his jacket, shakes his head, "No you're going with us, right baby?" Yoongi nods. "Plus, I promised you we would go get ice cream after this."

Taehyung smiles in gratitude at his friends. "Thanks guys."

They both nod and Yoongi kisses Jimin on the cheek before stepping out of his embrace. "I got to get my cash prize before we go", he signals towards the back of track, the same direction Jungkook had gone before. Taehyung realizes then that Jungkook must have gone to get his prize.

As if on cue, Jungkook comes back into the main track, head lowered and steps swift, and rushes towards his blue mustang. He does not react to anyone around him, just simply giving nods here and there.

"Is that Jungkook?", Taehyung finds himself asking.

Jimin looks up from his phone as he leans on the white car and nods subtly. "Yep, that's the golden boy. Never lost a race before. Pretty stuck up if you ask me."

For some reason, those choice of words make Taehyung frown. If anything, Jungkook just seems shy instead of stuck up. He might not like the spotlight like others; his character sort of reminds him of Yoongi.

Taehyung watches Jungkook enter his car and leave the track without any hesitation.

Beside him, Jimin unlocks his boyfriend's car, enters the passenger side and gestures for Taehyung to do the same in the back seat.

Soon after, they see a grinning Yoongi making his way to the car with his hands in his pockets. He thanks a bunch of people who congratulate him before entering the car and taking the keys from Jimin.

"How much did you make this time Yoongi?"

Yoongi smirks slightly, "Three hundred."

Taehyung's eyes widen. "Three hundred dollars for a five minute race?"

Yoongi chuckles, "You'd be surprised how much you win if you make it into first place. Jungkook must be making a fortune."

No further comment is given and the boys finally leave the track.

Somehow, Taehyung sees himself coming here often.


Taehyung scrunches his eyes shut for a moment after fluttering them open. Sunlight rays through the window and into the relatively small dorm room; he curses at Yoongi's habit of leaving the blinds open.

With a grunt he gets up and does his necessities. When done, he realizes how bored he is. He had long before done his research paper that was due that night and noticing that Yoongi's bed is empty and his shoes are gone, Taehyung figures he must be with Jimin.

Taehyung doesn't have many friends.

He knows that when he visibly deflates at the sight of his room mate's empty bed. Remembering the events of the night before, Taehyung is reminded of his father and his car shop. So, Taehyung gets off his bed and decides to make the most of his day and visit his beloved dad.


The smell is familiar. Scent of rubber and the stench of gasoline (which Taehyung doesn't really mind) calms him the moment he turns the corner. His lanky body swivels down the street towards the chipped, navy blue car shop. He scratches at the side of his thumb, keys clacking in the pocket of his jeans while walking. When reaching the garage, he notices only two cars parked outside which means he'll be able to have time to talk to his father.

It's been a few weeks since Taehyung has last seen his dad. It's sort of upsetting to think of since Taehyung decided to stay in-state in order to be closer with his father. But pre-med is no joke; sometimes Taehyung beats himself up for even picking the major, but it's what he loves.

Taehyung walks into the garage, the only sound is the building is the pitter-patter if his footsteps and the sound of his father working on a black car. The hood of the car is open, blocking Taehyung's sight of his father working on the engine.

"Dad!", Taehyung yells with a smile, expecting his father to return his smile and give him a big hug.

Except, when the car hood is shut, Taehyung doesn't see his father but rather a sweaty-looking, tank topped, and greased up Jungkook looking so confused.

Taehyung's eyes widen, as does his mouth. "Oh-, I'm sorry! I thought you were my dad! I didn't see you! The hood was blocking you!", in midst of his rambling, Taehyung fails to notice the prominent red hue on the other boy's face as he rushes to put on a black tee that was previously on the floor. After the sweaty boy finishes scrambling to get his clothes on and Taehyung ends his rambling the boys look at each other.

It finally clicks in.

"You're that racer!"

Jungkook's eyes widen for a ere second before he looks to the ground in embarassment. "U-uh", he stutters while avoiding the surprised eyes of the other.

Before he can actually respond, another presence enters the building.

"Tae?", said boy slowly turns around, not fully letting his eye off of the shy boy.

Taehyung's father wipes his hands on his jeans, an attempt to get rid of any grease, before reaching his son and embracing him.

Taehyung returns the hug,

yet never take's his eyes off of Jungkook.

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