IV. 🚘

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There was something calming about today; Taehyung didn't know what it was, but he liked it

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There was something calming about today; Taehyung didn't know what it was, but he liked it. Laying partially on the grass, head thrown back and slightly covered by the shade given from the tree above, Taehyung was found. The breeze bristled his slightly long bangs and made his t shirt caper against his torso. The chatter of the other students, possibly hundreds or thousands, surrounding him were not given thought. He centered himself in his thoughts, his feelings, nature and-


And now he feels a force knocking the wind out of him and a chorus of giggles and laughter from above him. He squints his eyes open and grins when he meets the eyes of his overly energetic best friend.

"You dork", he mumbles with a chuckle as he pushes off Jimin. He notices Yoongi has sat down near the base of the tree trunk and Hoseok sits near him.

Now don't get Tae wrong, he thinks Hoseok is a cool guy... but he hasn't really got close with the dude. He only talks with him whenever Yoongi is around him or he invites the group to a party.

That's one thing Taehyung is sure about the guy. He likes to party. A lot. He's pretty much known around campus for throwing the wildest parties ever.

Strip teases, body shots, strip poles... you name it and Hoseok has it going on at his parties. 

"Hey guys", Tae greets the other two. Hoseok grins at him in return and wow, Taehyung is momentarily shook. He has to admit, Hoseok has looks. He's totally handsome and if he wasn't such a party animal Taehyung would definitely ask him out.

Taehyung still blushes at the sight.

Jimin quietly giggles from next to him. Tae pushes him playfully making the boy laugh even harder. "Okay, okay. We have news", Jimin says.

This usually happens.

Whenever the four of them are together usually there's some wild idea going through their heads. Taehyung sighs, "what is it?"

Hoseok smiles, "Since you've finally been introduced to the lovely world of underground racing I want you guys, you specifically, to come to a party I'm throwing after the race friday night."

Taehyung isn't surprised. Realizing that the other three are looking at him expectedly, he shrugs, "I guess. Why not?"

Hoseok nods, his red hair bouncing slightly, "Cool."

Wow, he's so attractive.

Jimin grabs Taehyung by his sleeve, nears his ear and, "You're so gay", he whispers. Taehyung can't help but totally agree. Since when did he become a hormonal teenager finding almost every breathing thing attractive?

The cons of his sexuality crisis.

And as if one hot boy isn't enough, he notices Jungkook across the quad, someone he would have never noticed before friday, talking to Tae's friend Jin and Yoongi's friend Namjoon.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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