III. 🚘

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There was a slight breezes in the mechanic shop; Taehyung's dad likes to keep the shop open so that it doesn't get too stuffy inside

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There was a slight breezes in the mechanic shop; Taehyung's dad likes to keep the shop open so that it doesn't get too stuffy inside.

Except stuffy is exactly what Jungkook feels. With the heated stare he's receiving from Mr.Kim's son, along side how awkward he feels standing their during their father and son 'moment', Jungkook could definitely describe his emotions along the word 'stuffy'. He clears his throat, not too loudly, as a way to remind them of his presence but not entirely ruin their moment.

The sound seems to do the job as both men pull apart from their hug. They both turn to Jungkook and he begins to notice the subtle resemblance between the two; the slope of their noses and almost perfectly symmetrical faces. Definitely father and son.

"Jungkook", he gets acknowledged. He nods stiffly, still not comfortable under the boy's gaze. The boy had recognized Jungkook from racing and honestly, Jungkook doesn't know how he feels about it. He's doesn't hang around the track for long, having heard rumors about drug exchange and illegal selling of cars; he doesn't want anything from that place other than a chance to ride.

Which is why he makes it his job to avoid anyone from there.

Even his boss' son.

Mr.Kim wraps an arm around the lanky boy, "This is my son Taehyung. I'm not sure you two have met." Jungkook shakes his head soundlessly while Taehyung makes a noise of disagreement.

"Actually, Dad", oh no, "I've seen him around. We go to the same school." Taehyung says instead and Jungkook feels himself sigh in relief.

He must've realized how much Jungkook actually dreads the track.

"Y-yeah", Jungkook chokes out, "I'm only a freshman so I don't really recognize you."

Mr.Kim chuckles while patting son on the back. "Hear that, Tae? Maybe you should take Jungkook under your wing so you can introduce him to all of your friends. You sure are the social butterfly with all the dates you go on." Jungkook can visibly see the embarassment radiate off of Taehyung. The boy looks down to avoid Jungkook's eyes (not like he was staring anyway) and turns a bit red on his cheeks.

"Whoops", Mr.Kim chuckles, "was I not supposed to say that?" Jungkook stifles a small chuckle and realizes that he wishes he had a relationship like theirs. He doesn't remember when was the last time his own father had called him to ask if he had gone on any dates (the answer being no) and if he was a social butterfly (again the answer being no).

"It's fine, Mr.Kim", Jungkook says out of politeness because he really doesn't want his boss to force his son to hang out with him, especially out of pity.

Taehyung still looking at the ground, hasn't said a word yet.

Jungkook doesn't know how he feels about him yet.

To find an exit of the very awkward situation, Jungkook points to the now disgarded vehicle behind him. "I'm gonna head back to work then I'll be out Mr.Kim. Mr.Lee said he'll be back tomorrow to pick it up."

Mr.Kim nods in understanding and waves him off as Jungkook silently cheers internally.

He doesn't hear anything other than Mr.Kim quietly say to his son, "He's a good kid."

A small smile grows on Jungkook's feature.


Now over the embarassment from a few moments ago, Taehyung is finally in a comfortable conversation with his father.

That is until...

"So have you found the lucky lady yet?"

And honestly, any other time Taehyung would be glad he can have these types of conversations with his dad, but not now. Not when he's in, what Jimin likes to call, a "sexuality crisis."

Since a child, Taehyung had always liked girls. Had crushes from Hyuna next door to his ninth grade teacher. Being straight was just expected. Being straight was normal.

But after the football team had entered the locker rooms after practice and Taehyung was there gathering his stuff and he was met with Jackson Wang and his glorious abs, Taehyung thinks maybe he's not normal.

And honestly, he doesn't mind that.

But someone who possibly would mind it, is his father. Sure, he's been on a bunch of dates with a bunch of girls before (all mostly to please his dad), but Taehyung just can't find the person.

So Taehyung has come to the conclusion that he's bisexual.

Maybe even pansexual.

But he decides to leave this new discovery a secret from his dad in the mean time.

"Uh, Dad", Taehyung tries his best to chuckle, "I don't think I want to go on dates anymore. I just can't find someone who interests me, you know? All the girls I've met up with have just ended up being my friends", he shrugs.

His dad tries to nod understandably, but anyone can notice the slight disappointment on his face. "That's alright son. Soon she'll come walking through unexpectedly. Don't give up yet Tae."

Taehyung decides to not comment further and lets that topic of conversation end. While he hears his dad begin to talk about the shop and the regular customers who come in, Taehyung loses interest and finds himself setting his gaze on a very concentrated Jungkook.

The boy seems to be in his own world. His arms are greased up and glistening in sweat. His veins slightly pop out and his biceps clench as he fixes the engine.

Taehyung bites his lip.

Definitely bi or pan, Taehyung thinks to himself.

Suddenly realizing he's being watched, Jungkook looks up to find Taehyung's heated stare. He involuntarily reddens and ducks his head back under the hood of the car, the boy embarassed of any attention.

Taehyung slightly chuckles; Mechanic Jungkook is not so different from racer Jungkook in that aspect.

Cute, he thinks to himself.

Suddenly, the idea of taking Jungkook under his wing doesn't sound so unappealing to Taehyung anymore.

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